

  • Rubens , Peter Paul 鲁本斯〔1577-1640,荷兰画家〕。



  • 例句与用法
  • 58 masterpieces by the great artists of the time ( rubens , van dyck , rembrandt , vermeer and others ) will be on display
  • All this while , rubens were busy in the bar area and at around 20 : 00 , rubens and the guests were invited to the dining hall to be seated
    整个这段时间,本在酒吧区都很忙碌,差不多20 : 00时,本很客人们被邀请去饭厅就坐。
  • All this while , rubens were busy in the bar area and at around 20 : 00 , rubens and the guests were invited to the dining hall to be seated
    在这个时候,鲁本斯非常忙,那时候已经20 : 00了,鲁本斯和其他客人被邀请到了餐厅。
  • In the next few laps , before the second pit stops , the closest fight was between rubens barrichello in sixth , and pedro de la rosa in seventh
  • Rumour is that mark webber would like to try out the circuit in a “ normal ” car ? a porsche i was told but is rubens beating him on that
    传闻中马克?韦伯将来到这里来用一辆“普通”的车? ?一辆保时捷来测试这条“赛道” ,难道鲁本斯将要代替他这么做?
  • Takuma sato was one of the stars of the race as he resolutely kept rubens barrichello and coulthard behind him for many laps in the first stint
  • Furniture by chippendale and sheraton , paintings by gainsborough , holbein , reynolds and rubens , ancient greek and roman statuary and exquisite porcelain and china are all on view inside the house
  • 21 awerbuch b , holmer d , rubens h . the pulse protocol : energy efficient infrastructure access . in proc . ieee infocom 2004 , hong kong , china , march 2004 , pp . 1467 - 1478
  • Honda showed that their return to form in germany was not an illusion by finishing jenson button ( two stops ) and rubens barrichello ( one ) in fifth and sixth places for another seven points
  • The garden was crossed by a path of red gravel , edged by a border of thick box , of many years growth , and of a tone and color that would have delighted the heart of delacroix , our modern rubens
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 其他语种释义
  • rubensとは意味:{人名} : ルーベンス -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】ru':bэnz、【分節】Ru?bens
  • 推荐英语阅读
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