58 masterpieces by the great artists of the time ( rubens , van dyck , rembrandt , vermeer and others ) will be on display 将展示代表了那个时代的画坛巨匠(鲁本斯、凡?代克、伦勃朗特、维梅尔)的58件著名作品。
All this while , rubens were busy in the bar area and at around 20 : 00 , rubens and the guests were invited to the dining hall to be seated 整个这段时间,本在酒吧区都很忙碌,差不多20 : 00时,本很客人们被邀请去饭厅就坐。
All this while , rubens were busy in the bar area and at around 20 : 00 , rubens and the guests were invited to the dining hall to be seated 在这个时候,鲁本斯非常忙,那时候已经20 : 00了,鲁本斯和其他客人被邀请到了餐厅。
In the next few laps , before the second pit stops , the closest fight was between rubens barrichello in sixth , and pedro de la rosa in seventh 正赛时的气温达到了42摄氏度,赛道温度更达56摄氏度,这创造了一级方程式大奖赛历史上的新纪录。
Rumour is that mark webber would like to try out the circuit in a “ normal ” car ? a porsche i was told but is rubens beating him on that 传闻中马克?韦伯将来到这里来用一辆“普通”的车? ?一辆保时捷来测试这条“赛道” ,难道鲁本斯将要代替他这么做?
Takuma sato was one of the stars of the race as he resolutely kept rubens barrichello and coulthard behind him for many laps in the first stint 佐藤琢磨是这场比赛的其中一个良点,原因是在第一次进站之前,他把鲁本-巴里切罗和库塔挡在了后面很多圈。
Furniture by chippendale and sheraton , paintings by gainsborough , holbein , reynolds and rubens , ancient greek and roman statuary and exquisite porcelain and china are all on view inside the house 赫伍德城堡建于1699年,他拥有数目庞大,种类多样的藏品,包括家具,画作,瓷器和雕塑。
21 awerbuch b , holmer d , rubens h . the pulse protocol : energy efficient infrastructure access . in proc . ieee infocom 2004 , hong kong , china , march 2004 , pp . 1467 - 1478 Floodnet有效地证实了在自然环境中运用普适计算的可能性,同时显示了适应性取样在能量节省方面的作用及其对具有能量意识的路由协议设计的影响。
Honda showed that their return to form in germany was not an illusion by finishing jenson button ( two stops ) and rubens barrichello ( one ) in fifth and sixth places for another seven points 本田证明了他们在德国的状态恢复并不是昙花一现,简森-巴顿(两次进站)和鲁本-巴里切罗(一次进站)分别拿到了第五名和第六名,一共是七个积分。
The garden was crossed by a path of red gravel , edged by a border of thick box , of many years growth , and of a tone and color that would have delighted the heart of delacroix , our modern rubens 花园里有一条红色的石子铺成的小径,两旁夹着已经生长了很多年的茂密的黄杨树,其色彩和风格,要是让我们当代的绘画大师德拉克络斯看了心里一定会很喜欢的。