Quavers , crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music 和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。
What is the matter asked the passenger , then , with mildly quavering speech . who wants me 那旅客问,然后略带几分颤抖问道, “是谁找我?
The eyes of werner beck strangely flashed at jastrow , and his voice quavered 维尔纳?贝克的眼睛对着杰斯特罗异样地闪闪发光,声音也颤料了。
Which was when someone at the top obviously quavered because warner decided to give stefanie a break 或许因此让某位高层人士颤抖不已因为华纳决定放燕姿一个假期。
A beam is used to replace flags when 8th notes or quavers or notes of shorter duration are grouped together 在较短时值的八分音符组合在一起时,连音线用于代替符尾。
A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an 8th note or quaver 半音加两个符点,时值等于三个四分音符或一个八分音符。
My father , in a voice quavering with emotion , read the loving message he ' d sent to my mother fifty - six years earlier 我的父亲,用激动而颤抖的声音读着五十六年之前他寄给我母亲的爱的信息。
Minnie had a quaver of conscience as she took it , but did not know how to explain to hanson if she took less 敏妮接过钱时,良心很不安。但是她不敢少收钱,因为那样的话,她没法向汉生交代。
I shouldn t mind learning why - why the sun do shine on the just and the unjust alike , she answered , with a slight quaver in her voice “我倒想学一学为什么为什么太阳都同样照耀好人和坏人, ”她回答说,声音里有点儿发抖。
Thus 3 / 4 indicates three quarter notes or crotchets in a measure ( bar ) , 4 / 2 indicates four half notes or minims , 6 / 8 indicates six 8th notes or quavers 3 / 4表示一小节有三个四分音符, 4 / 2表示四个二分音符, 6 / 8表示六个八分音符。
a musical note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note 同义词:eighth note,
a tremulous sound
sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below 同义词:warble, trill,
give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency 同义词:waver,
quaverとは意味:1quaver n. 震え声. 【動詞+】 ◆His voice had a quaver in it. 彼の声は震え(てい)た. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a perceptible quaver 聞き取れるほどの震え ◆He spoke with a slight quaver in his voice. いくぶん震え声でしゃべった. 【前置詞+】 ◆“I know, Mommy," she sa...