The underlying reason for the above problems is " empty legislation " and " inadequate regulatio n and surveillance " 形成上述的弊端,归根究底的问题是“立法空白”及“监管不力” 。
Ammonium sulfate and potassium sulfate were used as sources of n and k because these sources are more efficient in these soil conditions 用硫酸铵和硫酸钾作氮和钾肥源因其对该土壤条件更有效。
Crop rotation plus fertilizer application produces the highest crop yields and maintains the highest soil n and organic matter levels 作物轮作加施肥产生最高作物产量,并保持最高土壤氮和有机质水平。
Germ n and manuel , my guides and colleagues , urged that we visit don manuel who lived several hours ' drive away 赫曼和马奴埃是我的向导和同伴,他们催促我去拜访住在离此数小时车程的马奴维?维拉兹盖兹大师。
Reflective index n and extinction coefficient k increase with growth temperature , transmittance is about 80 % in the wavelength of 450 - 800 nm Bst薄膜在可见光范围内透射率约83 %左右,透射率受薄膜组分的影响。
In chapter 1 , this paper briefs company n and tells the reason why to choose company n . company n is the world leader in mobile communications 本文首先在第一章中介绍了n公司的概况,阐述了选择n公司的理由。
For the balance of the section , let ' s speak instraightforwardand elementary terms to describe the n and form ofthe electroniccomputer 为使这一节平衡起见,我们将用简单明了的术语来描述这种电子电脑的功能和形式。
For the balance of the section , let ' s speak instraightforwardand elementary terms to describe the n and form ofthe electroniccomputer 为使这一节平衡起见,我们将用简单明了的术语来描述这种电子计算机的功能和形式。
N and p fertilizers applied is one of the greatest effective measures that improve the grain yields in china , , but it lead to anxious environment problem 氮磷肥料作为我国粮食增产最有效的措施之一,带来了令人担忧的环境问题。
The communication cost for one round execution of the protocol is 2mk , where k is bit length of public key n and m is the number of users in the group 执行协议每轮需要的通信量为2mk ,其中k为公钥n的比特长度, m为群体用户的个数。