Fama , eugene , and merton h . miller , 1972 , the theory of finance , ii1 : dryden press 现有企业理论已认识到,人力资源与其所有者不可分离,故它的可抵押性比财务资源差
Merton criticized the defeats of traditional functionalism , and posed the so - called value - free functional analyzing pattern 默顿批评了传统功能主义的不足,提出了所谓价值中立的功能分析模式。
Instead , they sold assets in a seemingly indiscriminate panic , triggering market swings more violent than anything prof merton expected 相反,它们在一种近似不分青红皂白的恐慌中出售了资产,使市场出现了比默顿教授预想中更加剧烈的动荡。
On the outside was written “ a wedding present to hugh erskine and laura merton , from an old beggar , ” and inside was a cheque for ten thousand pounds 信封上写着: “休?厄斯金与劳拉?默顿新婚志喜。一老乞丐贺” ,信封内是一张1万英镑的支票。
In big science era , the science norm of merton faces many facts and phenomenon of violating norm , the necessity of its being is coming under suspicion 在大科学时代默顿规范受到了一系列违反规范的事实与现象的挑战,其存在的必要性受到了广泛的怀疑。
Three decades later , however , people such as prof merton are becoming more savvy about getting their just rewards - and on a bigger scale than free calculators 不过,三十年后,默顿教授这样的人变得更精明了,他们知道如何得到自己应得的报酬- -这可不是免费计算器所能比的。
According to roger lowenstein , the author of when genius failed , " the younger merton . . . showed a knack for devising systematic approaches to whatever he tackled 作为棒球爱好者和汽车爱好者,他先是特意背下了球员的击球平均数,后来又背下了几乎每种美国汽车的发动机规格。
And prof merton ' s evangelical zeal for the product might seem particularly controversial after the media blamed derivatives in part for the implosion at ltcm 特别是在媒体认为,某种程度上正是衍生品造成了长期资本管理公司的内部崩溃之后,默顿教授宣扬这种产品的热情似乎会引发争议。
Merton and other scholars all consider , in their optimum consumption and investment model , that the investor ' s assets can choose between consumption and securities portfolio 在merton及其他学者研究的最优消费投资模型当中,都是考虑投资者的资产在消费和证券投资组合之间进行分配。