A2 : sounds were definitely a familiar sense from sc : bw . stalkers retained the dragoon death sound , probes meow the same , marines get the same high off stim packs , etc 回答1 :神族的声音让人惊讶,听起来感觉非常好。不过, 10个机枪兵和4个维京机甲攻击建筑的声音你听一会儿就会觉得十分厌烦。这可能是个人喜好不同的缘故。
The dark tabby transferred some of his own nine lives to his owner when a fire erupted in their shared apartment in a toronto suburb on thursday . the cat responded by jumping on the man and meowing loud enough to wake him up 1月31日位于多伦多市郊buddy和它主人居住的寓所突然起火,这只长有深色条纹的花猫跳到主人身上,大声地"喵喵"叫,直到把主人从睡梦中叫醒。
Frequent unsuccessful attempts to urinate , distressed meowing while attempting to urinate , lethargy , loss of appetite , vomiting and reluctance to move are symptoms that may signal urinary obstruction in a male cat and may constitute a medical emergency 经常尝试排尿失败、排尿时会痛苦的喵喵叫、嗜睡、胃口变差、呕吐和不爱移动都有可能是公猫泌尿道阻塞的信号,也同时会构成危急的情况。