a wise and trusted guide and advisor 同义词:wise man,
serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; "The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school"; "She is a fine lecturer but she doesn''t like mentoring"
MENTOR / The National Mentoring Partnership is the unifying champion for expanding quality mentoring for America’s young people. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.
mentorとは意味:{名} : 信頼{しんらい}のおける相談相手{そうだん あいて}、良き師[指導者{しどうしゃ}?先輩{せんぱい}]、助言者{じょげん しゃ}、庇護者{ひご しゃ}◆【語源】ギリシャ神話の Mentor(トロイ戦争に出陣するオデッセウスが息子を託した“良き指導者”)から Her mentor gave her some useful advice. 彼女は信頼を置いている相談相手から有益なアドバイス...