
memory available中文是什么意思

  • 可用存储器



  • 例句与用法
  • The buffer pool memory is divided among four physical numa nodes , n0 , n1 , n2 , and n3 , each with the following local memory available
    在四个物理numa节点n0 、 n1 、 n2和n3之间,对缓冲池内存进行了划分,其中每个节点的本地可用内存分别为:
  • This command - line - based monitor shows you the load on the cluster , the memory available , memory being used , and other things in real time
  • This will allow an additional 500 mb of memory available for database shared memory , pushing total utilization slightly above 2 gb to about 2 . 2 gb
    这样可以为数据库共享内存增加500 mb的可用内存,从而使内存使用总量从2 gb多一点儿增加到2 . 2 gb 。
  • You can specify the number of megabytes or use the value 0 to allow the transformation to use a dynamic amount of memory based on its needs and the physical memory available
  • You can specify the number of megabytes , or use the value 0 , which lets the transformation use a dynamic amount of memory based on its needs and the physical memory available
    可以指定内存量( mb ) ;或使用值0 ,让转换根据其需要和可用物理内存来使用动态内存量。
  • It ' s fine , but it reduces theamount of memory available to the nonvideo functions of the computer , so youmay want to add extra memory to a pc of this type
  • Also note that because we now have more memory available for domino 7 to use , the shared memory value is larger , allowing it to handle a larger user load
    还需要注意由于我们现在对于domino 7来说可以使用更多内存了,因此共享内存值也更大了,这样就可以处理更大的负载了。
  • At a glance , you can see the efficiency of the cluster , the load on the cluster , the memory available to the cluster , the percentage of memory used , and other information
  • Use of this option may help tune memory allocation , but only when physical memory exceeds the configured limit set by the operating system on virtual memory available to applications
  • Use of this option might help tune memory allocation , but only when physical memory exceeds the configured limit set by the operating system on virtual memory available to applications
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 推荐英语阅读
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