In visual basic 2005 , it is not possible to change the background color or display a picture on an mdi form 在visual basic 2005中,不能更改背景色,也不能在mdi窗体上显示图片。
To demonstrate how to tile the mdi form . there are more than one ways of doing it , but this one is without pain 这个程序演示了如何平铺mdi窗体。有多种方式可以实现它,但是这毫不费劲。
Property and identifies the mdi form that will contain the child form ; mdi applications can have multiple mdi containers 属性,并标识包含该子窗体的mdi窗体; mdi应用程序可以有多个mdi容器。
Controls are not the same as the built - in scroll bars that are attached to text boxes , list boxes , combo boxes , or mdi forms the 控件与附加到文本框、列表框、组合框或mdi窗体的内置滚动条不同(
In visual basic 2005 , you can add any control to an mdi form ; however the behavior may not be what you would expect 在visual basic 2005中,可以将任何控件添加到mdi窗体;但其行为可能与预期不同。
In visual basic 2005 , the application ends when the startup form is closed , regardless of any non - mdi forms in the application 而在visual basic 2005中,应用程序会在关闭启动窗体时结束,不管应用程序中是否有非mdi窗体。
In visual basic 6 . 0 , multiple - document interface applications are created by adding an mdi form to a project and then setting the 在visual basic 6 . 0中创建多文档界面( mdi )应用程序的方法是,向项目添加mdi窗体,然后设置所有子窗体的
Demonstrates how to display the child forms as cascading , as horizontally or vertically tiled , or as child form icons arranged along the lower portion of the mdi form 演示如何将子窗体显示为层叠、水平平铺或垂直平铺,或者显示为排列在mdi窗体下部的子窗体图标。
The enumeration values will display child forms as cascading , as horizontally or vertically tiled , or as child form icons arranged along the lower portion of the mdi form 这些枚举值将子窗体显示为层叠、水平平铺或垂直平铺,或者显示为排列在mdi窗体下部的子窗体图标。