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  • 例句与用法
  • Healthy cells typically attempt to kill internalized pathogens by having the entry vacuoles fuse with lysosomes , cellular structures containing enzymes that chop up proteins , lipids and dna
  • One potential drug could interfere with the proteins ' activity in a way that would force the entry vacuole to fuse with lysosomes , triggering an immune attack right after the chlamydiae invade the cell
  • The place where it adds up is called the lysosome , a special vessel that contains the most powerful degradation machinery in the cell ; if something can ' t even be broken down there , it just stays there forever
  • Under transmission electron microscopy , lead granules deposited in lysosome , then accumulated gradually in the apex of the cells , and finally were individually discharged into the gland lumen by apocrine secretion and excreted with the urine
  • It will take time to find the right enzymes in the soil microorganisms , to find the ones that work well in mammalian cells and are not toxic , to modify them so that the cell knows how to target them to the lysosome , and so on
  • A lot of mercury granules were found primarily in antennal gland by transmission electron microscope and mass spectrum analysis . mercury granules were found in the lysosome of the cell of antennal gland , and were transited to lumen by apocrine secretion
  • The lysosome system and the other cells amongst retinular cells carry out the breakdown of microvilli . the former includes coated vesicles , lysosome , lamellar bodies and oil droplets ; and the latter include the hemocytes , proximal reflecting pigment cells and nerve glial cells
  • Nucleoli do not emerge in this process . the number of the organelles increase until secondary spermatocyte stage . mitochondria accumulate together , merging together with lysosomes and golgi bodies at the early spermatid stage , and finally the lamellar structure is formed , which forms the acrosome at last
  • We found nuclear deformation lymphocytes with increased heterochromatin and impaired thymus epithelium cells with increased lysosomes and deformation of mitochondrias . ( 4 ) effects on mouse liver of so2 challenge : so2 can cause significant liver injury . he staining showed several kinds of necrosis of liver including spot necrosis , focal necrosis and submassive necrosis infiltrated with lymphocytes , monocytes , few neutrophils and eosinophils ; tem observation showed fatty degeneration with dispersion of fatty droplets and dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulums , acid degeneration with significant hyperplasia of mitochondrias , necrosis of hepatocytes with karyorrhexis and other organelles losing their normal structure
    ( 4 )二氧化硫染毒对小鼠肝脏的组织学结构有明显影响,可引起肝脏点状坏死、灶状坏死甚至片状坏死,伴随不同程度的炎性细胞浸润;透射电镜观察发现二氧化硫可引起肝细胞脂肪变性、嗜酸性颗粒变和坏死,脂肪变肝细胞中可见大小不等的脂滴存在,嗜酸性颗粒变肝细胞中可见线粒体明显增生,坏死肝细胞可见细胞核结构破坏,细胞器减少,细胞膜不完整。
  • Lots of copper granules were primarily deposited in hepatopancreas tubules and r cell of the hepatopancreas , and accumulated copper granules were distributed in haemocyte space . under transmission electron microscopy , copper granules were primarily deposited in the lysosome of hepatopancreas cells , and a little amount of copper granules was absorbed in smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum . the copper granules were excreted to the lumen by apocrine secretion
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • an organelle found in the cytoplasm of most cells (especially in leukocytes and liver and kidney cells)

  • 百科解释
Lysosomes are cellular organelles that contain acid hydrolase enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris. They can be described as the stomach of the cell.
  • 其他语种释义
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