In china , the program of the export of labor services is generally handled by subordinate unit to the provincial labor department 在中国劳务输出的项目一般都由省一级劳动厅属下的单位统一办理。
The figures prompted economists to lower their payroll estimates for the labor departments december jobs report in two days 此次公布的就业数据可能会使经济师们调低他们对美劳工部在两天后发布的就业报告预测。
Supervisory workers have received bigger pay increases , he said , citing a fed analysis of labor department and commerce department data 目前劳动力市场差距加大,一部份人收入提高竞争能力增强而另一部份勉强混日子。
Prices for goods from china , after years of gradual decline , have risen 1 . 2 percent since february , according to the united states labor department 根据美国劳工部的数据,中国大陆进口商品价格逐年下跌后,今年二月起已上涨1 . 2 % 。
Answer : bring a word according to work of original labor department [ 1990 ] 2 date regulation , treat the labor range that pregnant worker contraindication undertakes 答:根据原劳动部劳安字[ 1990 ] 2号规定,待孕职工禁忌从事的劳动范围。
Useful , the data that its corresponding meeting affects your ; punish in social duty field can switch into labor department of place and person city department 有用,它相应的会影响你在社会职场的;处分的材料会转入当地的劳动部门及人市部门
Do not cross cash pledge , no matter be labor department or each , visitting town actually is regulation of proclaimed in writing cannot to worker collection cash pledge 不过押金呢,其实不管是劳动部还是各省市都是明文规定不能向职工收取押金的。
U . s . wholesale prices surged 1 . 1 percent in september , driven by high energy costs , although core inflation remained tame , the labor department reported last friday 上周五美国劳工部报告,被居高不下的能源价格推动,九月零售业商品价格攀升1 . 1 % 。
The mine safety and health administration in the labor department inspects about two thousand coal mines nationwide . that is in addition to more than twelve thousand other mines 劳工部矿山安全与健康机构检查了全国大约2000个煤矿,另外还有12000多个其它矿山。
The labour deparment ( labor department ) said importmeng ( empoyment ) increast ( increased ) by one 110 . 000 jobs in september . aslo , new numbers for august showed a gain of close to 90 , 000 jobs 劳动局称在九月份有110 , 000份的工作使雇佣增加,而且八月份的数字表明接近90 , 000份工作。