
initial point中文是什么意思

  • 初始点
  • 起始点原点
  • 原点,起始点



  • 例句与用法
  • Based on the idea of generating the initial points through one dimension chaos mapping , and then taking them as the initial values by mapping them to the variable interval , a new method based on chaos mapping newton iterative to seek the solutions of nonlinear equations is proposed
  • The thesis provides a concept of " initial promote " . it considers that in the process of design the designer always think the assumption of the answer to the design as the initial point ; and later gradually improve the earlier assumption ( or provide the new assumption ) , and finally get to the solution of the answer to designs
    论文提出“初始动机”的概念,认为创作过程中,设计者总是从提出对设计解答的设想作为出发点,而后面对出现的设计问题不断改进设想(或提出新设想) ,而最终走向设计问题的解决。
  • In tracking section , we still adopt the snake to converge on the object contour by improving the energy functions , in the tracking frame , initial points are acquired by calculating the average inter - frame motion vector of the block , because all snaxels have approximately the same motion vector as the moving object is proposed to be rigid and have no salient deformation
  • From the progressively transmitted image codes , the client side can rebuild multi - resolution images from which point cloud surface series with different level of details can be rebuilt : the initial point cloud surface rebuilt from transmitted images has the gross structure of the original 3d model , and step by step , the rebuilt point cloud surfaces have more and more details until all the geometry images are transmitted out
  • Basing on the two order tangency at initial point between isotropic curve and hugoniot curve , a new method for calculating cold energy cold pressure and cohesive energy for solid is presented in the paper , comparison with experimental data manifest that this method is very good and can be applied
  • Our country sports system reform is the point that turns the sports reform deeply , the market economy is the initial point of sports system reform , the article discussed the sports system reform in the market mechanism of motive and encourage characteristic , analyzing the market mechanism and the sports systems in the competition and equilibrium of match the relation , put forward currently sports system circulate mechanism , developing the function of market mechanism reasonably
  • Following are detailed steps of this system : in the segmentation section , we use three successive frames to detect the motion infomation of the pictures , by using blockmatching algorithm in two successive frames twice , we can get two pictures composed of motion blocks of the moving object , then we find out the common motion blocks of the two pictures , experiments prove these blocks approximately compose the moving object . after getting the motion blocks , we calculate the center of these blocks as the center of the moving object , thus we can use the center point as the origin , construct n straight linesjoining the boundry of the image and the center . on each line , we can find out a proper point near the object contour according to some criteria , then we use these n points as the initial points of the snake and let the snake converge on the object contour , thus finish the segmentation of the moving object
    本方案的实现过程为:分割部分:对运动目标的前后三帧进行两次块匹配运动检测,通过找出两个匹配结果中运动图像块的公共部分,获得组成运动目标的图像块;求出运动目标图像块的形心作为运动目标的中心,以此中心为端点,向四周发散出角度间隔为的n条射线,射线的另一端终止于图像的边缘;在每条射线上按照一定的准则(点的梯度和与目标中心的距离在一定阈值范围内)找出n个初始轮廓点;以这些初始轮廓点作为主动轮廓模型( snake )的初始点,用改进的贪婪算法使snake收敛到待分割的运动目标轮廓上。
  • As to the modelling of integrated flight / propulsion system , this paper mainly investigated and the modelling methods of flight kinetics and propulsion system thermodynamics , building up the real - time models of body kinetics . then we integrated the component - level thermodynamics model of engine , solved the problem of matching of initial points in the integrated simulation of flight / engine and the interactive parts of flight system and propulsion system
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 百科解释
In surveying, an initial point is a datum (a specific point on the surface of the earth) that marks the beginning point for a cadastral survey. The initial point establishes a local geographic coordinate system for the surveys that refer to that point.
  • 其他语种释义
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initial point的中文翻译,initial point是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译initial point,initial point的中文意思,initial point的中文initial point in Chineseinitial point的中文initial point怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
