
in the eighteenth century中文是什么意思

  • 在圣诞节假期
  • 在十八世纪



  • 例句与用法
  • One of these honors is the newbery award . it is named for a book seller in england in the eighteenth century , john newbery
  • One of these honors is the newbery award . it is named for a bookseller in england in the eighteenth century , john newbery
  • Glass production in edo began in the eighteenth century for use in mirrors , eyeglasses , decorative hair clips , and wind chimes , among other items
  • With the preaching tours of george whitefield and others in the eighteenth century , american christianity began to undergo a major transformation
  • In the foregoing chapter we discussed the purely musical conception of vocal music in the eighteenth century and the gradual development toward the literary
  • Sustained irish emigration began in the eighteenth century , as many thousands of ulster presbyterians and a lesser number of catholics departed for the new world
  • Systems of racial categorization , first developed in the eighteenth century , have divided people into three , nine , twenty - six , and as many as three hundred races
    首先在18世纪发展起来的种族分类体系,将人分为3支、 9支、 26支,甚至多达300个支系种族。
  • Petty criminals in the eighteenth century got the rough end of the stick when they were transported to australia for what we would now regard as minor offences
  • Heavily perfumed white flowers , such as gardenias , were favorites with collectors in the eighteenth century , when scent was valued much more highly than it is today
  • Oxford was not a very distinguished university in the eighteenth century , but samuel johnson greatly regretted that his time there had been so short , and that he had no degree
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 推荐英语阅读
in the eighteenth century的中文翻译,in the eighteenth century是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译in the eighteenth century,in the eighteenth century的中文意思,in the eighteenth century的中文in the eighteenth century in Chinesein the eighteenth century的中文in the eighteenth century怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
