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  • 例句与用法
  • Xrd spectrum shows that the content of authegenic illite is high in fine sample and the detrital illite is the major component in coarse sample . each age can be obtained respectively by k / ar method . the above ages and the percentage of detrital illite have a linear relation
  • Because of the little content of montmorillonite in the red bed weak rock , the contents of illite show fine correlation with slaking durability of the rock , which indicates that unstable clay minerals always have deep influence on the slake durability of weak rock
  • Calculated mineral composition by chemical composition combined with x - ray powder diffraction analyses showed that the former generally consisted mainly of poorly - crystallized kaolinite and small amounts of illite and quartz , and the later contained well - crystallized predominent kaolinite ( over 95 % )
    含煤建造沉积型高岭土一般属铝高硅低型,钾含量低,钛含量明显偏高,矿物组成简单,高岭石含量95 % ,结晶度较好。
  • The releasing capacity , rate and availability of nonexchangeable k in soils with rich illite were much higher than those in others with rich kaolinite or montmorillonite , so that the amounts of nonexchangeable and total k absorbed by ryegrass and dry biomass in the soils were higher than those in others
  • On the basis of generation and expulsion hydrocarbon history of source rock , seal formation history of cap rock , formation history of trap , active history of fault , oil or gas accumulation period using illite ' s ages , main oil or gas accumulation period was determined to be from the end of yimin formation to the early of qingyuangang formation
  • Moreover , hrtem observations indicate that the process is very selective : even in apparently homogenous illite or i / s , some crystals went opening and some remain unchanged . and the replacement of k cations by alkylammonium cations is not restricted to crystal edges , but extends to entire interlayer . the above facts are the basis of alkylammonium cations method applied to the diagenetic age of sedimentary rock
  • K - ar age of an illite from alteration rock in the contact zone around lianhuashan porphyry is 38 . 6ma . with referencing to the main metallogenic period of yulong copper metallogenic zone and of ailaoshan gold metallogenic zone , it is suggested that the time of formation of deposits in the district studied is probably in a period of time from 38 . 6ma at earliest to 20ma at latest . this time is equivalent to the origination time of two important tectonic events , i . e . , lanping movement and the turning point when ailaoshan - red river fault turned from sinisteral into dextral
    获得了莲花山岩体周围接触带蚀变岩中伊利石k - ar年龄38 . 6ma ,参考玉龙铜矿带和哀牢山金矿带的主要成矿期(分别为30ma左右及26ma ) ,厘定本矿集区成矿年龄下限为38 . 6ma ,上限为20ma ,与两次重要的构造事件?兰坪运动的起始时间及哀牢山?红河断裂由左旋转为右旋的时间相当。
  • In qiaokou area , deep parts of well qiaol4 , 20 , 23 , 25 , 60 are related to source rock in gegangji sag , while crude oil in well qiao38 is related to source rock in qianliyuan sag ; in baimiao structure , crude oil in well bail2 is related to source rock of es33 - es34 in qianliyuan sag , while condensate in well bai54 , 17 , 9 is related to source rock of es32 in qianliyuan sag and crude oil in well bai6 is from oil kitchen gegangji . the study on illite age testing , inclusion enclave temperature testing and saturation pressure testing has been used to know the time of the deeply buried gas net pay formed . the time of the deeply buried gas net pay formed can be divided into two stages
    油源对比结果表明杜寨地区濮深15井的凝析油来源于本区es _ 3 ~ 3 es _ 3 ~ 4地层,前8井es _ 3 ~ 2原油来源es _ 3 ~ 2地层;桥口地区东翼葛岗集洼陷一侧的桥14 、 20 、 23 、 25 、 60井深层油气与葛岗集洼陷烃源岩有关,桥口垒块桥38井原油与前梨园洼陷烃源岩有关;白庙构造翼部白12井原油主要与前梨园洼陷es _ 3 ~ 3 es _ 3 ~ 4段烃源岩有关,构造腰部白54 、 17 、 9等井的凝析油与前梨园洼陷es _ 3 ~ 2段烃源岩有关,白16井原油来源于葛岗集生油洼陷。
  • The first is early period of dongying - guantao , which is the main stage for natural gas forming with erosion and decrease of pressure . the second is from the beginning of quaternary to update , during which gas reservoir is reforming and the reforming gas is refilling into the reservoirs . according to the value k / ar in illite , the time to form the gas reservoirs can be determined as the period of dongying - guantao , among which duzhai is 43 . 0 - 38 . 0ma and 25 . 4ma , qiaokou area 37 . 8 - 25 . 4ma and 24 . 4 - 18 . 4ma , baimiao 38 . 0 - 25 . 4ma and 23 . 4 - 20 . 4ma
    伊利石测年法确定的天然气成藏时期主要为东营?馆陶组早期,其中杜寨主要为43 . 0 - 38 . 0ma及25 . 4ma ;桥口地区为37 . 8 - 25 . 4ma及24 . 4 - 18 . 4ma ;白庙地区为38 . 0 - 25 . 4ma及23 . 4 - 20 . 4ma ;杜寨地区成藏较早,伊利石测年确定的是天然气藏最早形成时期,是天然气藏形成的上限,伊利石测年法确定的天然气成藏期是两大主要成藏期的第一阶段。
  • By comprehensively applying the data of logging , drilling and seismic data , and depending on basin - modeling technology , and synchronously , integrating fluid inclusion homogenization , raman spectrum ingredient assay and autogeny illite age - determining technique , we had the numeric modeling of carboniferous - permian coal measure , including burial history , terrestrial heat history , hydrocarbon - generating and hydrocarbon - expulsing history and reservoir - forming history , at the wenan slope of jizhong depression , in the bohaiwan basin
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
Illite is a non-expanding, clay-sized, micaceous mineral. Illite is a phyllosilicate or layered alumino-silicate.
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