element n. 1.要素;成分;(构成)部分;分子。 2.【化学】元素;【数学】元,素;【机械工程】单元;单体;【无线电】元件;【植物;植物学】原种。 3.【电学】电池;电极;电阻丝。 4.生存环境,活动范围;本行,本领。 5.〔pl.〕原理;初步;大纲。 6.〔pl.〕自然力;暴风雨。 7.【军事】小队,分队。 8.〔pl.〕【宗教】(圣餐用)面包和葡萄酒。 the four elements (古希腊哲学家认为组成世界的地、水、火、风)四元素。 discontented elements 不平分子。 daughter element 【物理学】子元素。 control element 控制元件。 the elements of grammer 语法基础。 in one's element 在自己(活动)天地内,如鱼得水。 out of one's element 在自己活动天地外,不得其所,格格不入。 strife [war] of the elements 暴风雨。
However , this proved too complex with long regexes it was difficult to decide how the group elements related to the regex 但是,实践证明对于很长的正则表达式这样太复杂了(很难确定group元素与正则表达式的关系) 。
However , any attributes that have already been added to the previous grouping element should not be added to this second grouping element 但是,如果任何属性已经添加到前面的分组元素中了,那么就不应该再添加在第二个分组元素中。
This paper gives a review on the research work of organogallium complexes formed by gallium and main group element , transition element as well as typical ligands 对最近几年镓与主族元素、过渡元素及其他一些典型配体形成的有机镓配合物的研究进展作一概述。
The multi - element linear transducer array consists of 320 elements . by phase - controlled method , 64 signals , one of which gathered by 11 - group element , make up of an image 多元线性阵列探测器由320个振元组成,采用相控聚焦的方法成像,每次由11个振群的探测器接受信号并合并1路,一幅图像由64路这样的信号组成。
With the new analytical techniques of platinum - group elements ( pge ) published after 1990 ' s and a huge amount of reliable analytical data of pge accumulated at present , it is found that the data of pge abundances in crust , crustal rocks and sediments published before l980 ' s are not suitable as an evaluating criterion 摘要随着20世纪90年代铂族元素分析测试技术的突破性进展以及大量可靠的岩石和沉积物铂族元素含量分析数据的积累,引用20世纪80年代前发表的有关铂族元素的地壳丰度和岩石、沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜。
In this paper , with the metallogenic series theory as the guide and the geochemical data as the basis , all lead - zinc ore deposits in the region were classified into two sub - series , i . e . , lf type ( with low content of iron group elements ) and hf type ( with high content of iron group elements ) , and a regional geochemical prognostic model was set up by using the logical information method 摘要以成矿系列理论为指导,将区域内的铅锌矿按地球化学特征划分为贫铁型和富铁型2个亚系列,进而用逻辑信息法建立了西秦岭铅锌矿床区域地球化学场预测模式,验证结果较为理想。