
group element中文是什么意思

  • 群元素
  • 同组通性



  • 例句与用法
  • However , this proved too complex with long regexes it was difficult to decide how the group elements related to the regex
    但是,实践证明对于很长的正则表达式这样太复杂了(很难确定group元素与正则表达式的关系) 。
  • However , any attributes that have already been added to the previous grouping element should not be added to this second grouping element
  • This paper gives a review on the research work of organogallium complexes formed by gallium and main group element , transition element as well as typical ligands
  • The multi - element linear transducer array consists of 320 elements . by phase - controlled method , 64 signals , one of which gathered by 11 - group element , make up of an image
  • With the new analytical techniques of platinum - group elements ( pge ) published after 1990 ' s and a huge amount of reliable analytical data of pge accumulated at present , it is found that the data of pge abundances in crust , crustal rocks and sediments published before l980 ' s are not suitable as an evaluating criterion
  • In this paper , with the metallogenic series theory as the guide and the geochemical data as the basis , all lead - zinc ore deposits in the region were classified into two sub - series , i . e . , lf type ( with low content of iron group elements ) and hf type ( with high content of iron group elements ) , and a regional geochemical prognostic model was set up by using the logical information method
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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group element的中文翻译,group element是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译group element,group element的中文意思,group element的中文group element in Chinesegroup element的中文group element怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
