grab vt. (grabbed; grabbing) 1.攫取,抓取;抓住。 2.抢夺,霸占。 3.〔俚语〕对…产生强烈的感情影响。 4.〔美俚〕匆忙上(车)。 grab a bus 赶搭公共汽车。 vi. 1.抓住,抓牢 (at; for; onto)。 2.急促行动。 3.(马)后蹄踢着前蹄。 grab and keep 强取豪夺。 grab at 抓住不放。 grab hold of 抓紧。 grab off 〔美口〕抢得。 n. 1.抓取,抢夺,不法所得。 2.【机械工程】抓扬机,挖掘机,抓斗,抓岩机,钻具打捞器。 make a grab at a rope 抓住绳索。 have [get] the grab on sb. 〔俚语〕占得较…有利的地步,强过,胜过。 up for grabs 〔俚语〕供人竞购(以售给出价最高者)。
How to meet the challenges , , to grab at the opportunities and to survive and grow are urgent problems . this paper is aiming to make a study in this aspect 信息服务机构该如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,求得新环境下的生存和发展是一个亟待解决的严峻课题。
Yolanda : don ' t you believe it . yesterday i was in the supermarket and he grabbed at an old lady ' s skirt . she almost fell over . i was horribly embarrassed 约兰达:你不要给他骗了,昨天我上超级市场,他一手抓住一位老太太的裙子,使她差点跌倒。我尴尬极了。
The 26 - year - old world champion trails his british rookie rival by 12 points with a maximum of 20 up for grabs at this weekend ' s chinese grand prix and the season finale in brazil two weeks later 这位二十六岁的世界冠军落后他的英国新兵队友(啊哈,对手对手) 12分,在本周中国站和两周后的收关巴西站这个最多需要追赶20分。
As if a drowning person grabbing at a life - saving straw , pian - pian grabs zhou - fang ’ s outreached hand tightly with her own , lifting her head up suddenly , she looks straight at zhou - fang in desperation and bewilderment , her eyes showing signs of fear and uncertainty 翩翩如溺水者抓救命稻草般紧紧地抓住周?伸过来的手,猛然抬头,慌乱而急切地直视周? ,目光流露出恐惧和彷徨的神色。
Pretty soon he was all fagged out , and fell down panting ; then he rolled over and over wonderful fast , kicking things every which way , and striking and grabbing at the air with his hands , and screaming and saying there was devils a - hold of him 一会儿,他也实在累垮了,倒下来喘得不行,接着又滚到东滚到西,滚得猛快,又碰到什么就踢什么,双手在空中又是打又是抓,还尖声叫唤,说他给魔鬼抓住了。
Outflings my lord stephen , giving the cry , and a tag and bobtail of all them after , cockerel , jackanapes , welsher , pilldoctor , punctual bloom at heels with a universal grabbing at headgear , ashplants , bilbos , panama hats and scabbards , zermatt alpenstocks and what not 那群帮腔的也一起跟在后面:有血气方刚的,顽劣的,赖债的,庸医,还有一本正经的布卢姆。大家分别攥着帽子?木手杖比尔博剑295巴拿马帽和剑鞘采尔马特登山杖296等等。
He can t go anywhere without everybody around him grabbing at him , surrounding him and he is only arnold schwartznegger . but can you imagine what would happen if god almighty or jesus christ , were here in flesh and bones ? the ultimate reality is that god in jesus christ has to remain invisible so we can each relate to him in our own way 神是这样设计的这样命定的,因我们与?连系,惟一能与神连系的方法,就是神维持不能为肉眼所见阿诺,你是个名人,你不能到处去,人人都会簇拥著你,而你不过是阿诺舒华辛力加,但若全能神或耶稣基督有血有肉的站在这儿,你能想像吗?
My friend , governor arnold schwarzenegger is a celebrity . he can t go anywhere without everybody around him grabbing at him , surrounding him and he is only arnold schwarzenegger . but can you imagine what would happen if god almighty or jesus christ , were here in flesh and bones 神是这样设计的这样命定的,因我们与?连系,惟一能与神连系的方法,就是神维持不能为肉眼所见阿诺,你是个名人,你不能到处去,人人都会簇拥著你,而你不过是阿诺舒华辛力加,但若全能神或耶稣基督有血有肉的站在这儿,你能想像吗?