One of his favorite models was caught throwing garbage in / on the street ( s ) 4他最喜欢的模特儿中的其中一位被抓到在街道上丢垃圾。
When you throw garbage in it , it will say “ thank you ” or “ mm , tasty ” 当你将垃圾扔进去时,它会说“谢谢”或者“嗯,味道好极了” 。
" look at that garbage in the water , " said jill . " that ' s what ' s polluting the lake . 看看水里的垃圾,吉尔说。那就是污染湖水的东西。
Dan always puts his garbage in a trash can because he doesn ' t want to be a litterbug 唐总是将垃圾丢到垃圾桶中,因为他不想当一个乱丢垃圾的?伙。
Ll : yeah , let ' s go and put the garbage in the trashcan . it ' s not right to leave that on the ground 我当然不会在考试的时候做弊。嗨,那个扔垃圾的家伙已经走了。
Only then can we meditate wholeheartedly . if theres any garbage in our hearts , well be stuck there ; well be hindered 如果有任何的垃圾在心里面的话,我们就会被卡住被障碍。
Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant 两只蟑螂正在一条小巷的垃圾堆上大吃着,其中的一只谈起了它在一家新开张的餐馆里的经历。
It overwrites ntldr and win . com on all drives with code to store garbage in the first sector of the first ide hard disk Com的程式码变为无用的码,然后将这些码储存至第一个ide硬盘的第一个磁区。
Zurich the most notable thing about garbage in this picture - perfect medieval city is that it ' s nearly impossible to find any 走进苏黎世这个像极了风景明信片的中世纪小城,关于垃圾,你注意到的第一件事就是,你几乎感受不到它的存在。
Every time you bring any garbage in this center , you are doing yourself a great disservice , not to talk about all your brothers and sisters here 每当你把垃圾带进小中心时,你就已经是在大大地伤害自己,更不要说影响到这里其他的师兄师姊了。