
first semester中文是什么意思

  • 第一学期



  • 例句与用法
  • The first semester , study skills in english , will include 7 courses , 4 of which must be passed with high marks , over 85 % , in order to receive credit
    第一学期,用英语学习的技能,包括7种课程,其中4个课程必须得高分通过,要想就应该超过85 % ,为了接受信用。
  • Each student is charged for only two months of fees on the national health insurance during the first semester , whereas six months of fees are required from the second semester onwards
  • University research will be completed by the student during the first semester as part of the research project course , though that course will focus on primary research methods
  • Topics approved by the instructor should be submitted during the first two months of the first semester in the final academic year , or according to the require for the supervisor of thesis writing
  • I took my first class as a sophomore and in true form , i had difficulty - but after my first semester my professor was very kind and gave me a passing grade
  • Some of you may recall that in the first semester , i told you that instead of memorizing just more endings , that the second semester would afford you an opportunity to learn various constructions
  • More than recording the first semester through a series of snapshots , this freshman seminar will attempt to teach photography as a method of seeing and a tool for better understanding new surroundings
  • For instance among the total twelve assemblies the first part has seven and second part has five in the first semester of this academic year 2007 - 08 , students are required to attend at least six assemblies , of which two have to be from the second part
    本学年上学期有十二次周会,并划分为两部分(第一部分有七次周会,第二部分有五次周会) ,同学须出席周会最少六次(包括在第二部分周会最少出席二次) 。
  • Around 200 year - two and year - three students are also on hand to guide and counsel their own teams of freshmen . they will continue to mentor the same juniors during their first semester . having senior students as their mentors will enable the freshmen to adapt to their new environment more quickly
  • When if the accumulative total after make - up examination of the first semester fails , course achieves door of fail to go up to the next grade to count a provision , after make - up examination of classics of courses of the 2nd semester only a course fails , the course with ability not passing to make - up examination of the first semester application again make - up examination , but the make - up examination opportunity before cancelling this course to graduate
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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