
end of the semester中文是什么意思

  • 期终



  • 例句与用法
  • Toward the end of the semester , you will be asked to write a 3 - page research proposal ( double - spaced , font size 12 ) about one of the topics discussed at the seminar
    在学期结束前,你需要写出一份关于课堂上某一个讨论主题的研究计划,三页长(双倍行距, 12号字) 。
  • At the end of the semester , students are expected to be able to make intellectual conversations and to conduct academic research on various topics under the domain of public administration
  • The course covers fundamental concepts of research , including research types , methods and techniques . students need to complete a research proposal at the end of the semester for their master thesis
  • To ensure that every student is fully - aware of the filing deadlines for grade disputes , the instructor should leave contact information to the students before the end of the semester
  • Btw , for the students who come from china , i do ask them to talk with me in english ( no matter in or off class ) and their performances are taken into consideration when i evaluated them in the end of the semester
  • At the end of the semester , you will prepare a portfolio of all the writing you have done in the course , including your essays and the reader ' s notebook , so that i can review your work in order to give you a grade for the course
  • Reimbursement of rmb 4 , 000 yuan for a one - way ticket on signature of six months contract at the end of the semester ; reimbursement of rmb 8 , 000 yuan for a round - trip ticket on signature of one - year contract at the end of the school year
  • In addition to handing in the report at the end of the semester , you will be required to deliver a 5 - 10 minute presentation to the class on your preliminary idea , hand in a one page written proposal , hand in a rough draft , and deliver a 15 - 20 minute presentation to the class on your research near the end of the semester
  • Since english learning should not be limited in the classroom , students will be encouraged to plan their own language learning , participate in the web - based activities and assignments in the course website , make best use of language learning resources on campus , and complete personal english portfolio at the end of the semester
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 推荐英语阅读
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