Toward the end of the semester , you will be asked to write a 3 - page research proposal ( double - spaced , font size 12 ) about one of the topics discussed at the seminar 在学期结束前,你需要写出一份关于课堂上某一个讨论主题的研究计划,三页长(双倍行距, 12号字) 。
At the end of the semester , students are expected to be able to make intellectual conversations and to conduct academic research on various topics under the domain of public administration 修完本课程后之同学,应有能力针对公共行政相关课题进行知性对话与学术研究。
The course covers fundamental concepts of research , including research types , methods and techniques . students need to complete a research proposal at the end of the semester for their master thesis 本课程涵盖研究写作基本概念,包括研究类型、研究方法及研究技巧。学生须于学期末完成其硕士论文之研究计画书。
To ensure that every student is fully - aware of the filing deadlines for grade disputes , the instructor should leave contact information to the students before the end of the semester 十三、为避免学生对于学期成绩有疑义时,因无法联络授课教师以致错过成绩更正之期限,授课教师应于学期结束之前,告知学生联络方式。
Btw , for the students who come from china , i do ask them to talk with me in english ( no matter in or off class ) and their performances are taken into consideration when i evaluated them in the end of the semester 顺便说说,对于来自中国的学生,我特别强调他们用英文和我交流,而且他们的语言表现会成为学期末我评估他们的重要标准
At the end of the semester , you will prepare a portfolio of all the writing you have done in the course , including your essays and the reader ' s notebook , so that i can review your work in order to give you a grade for the course 学期结束时,你将把在课程中所作的写作作业整理成作品集,包括短论和读者笔记,在检阅你的作品后我会给你一个分数。
Reimbursement of rmb 4 , 000 yuan for a one - way ticket on signature of six months contract at the end of the semester ; reimbursement of rmb 8 , 000 yuan for a round - trip ticket on signature of one - year contract at the end of the school year 签六个月合同者,学校在学期结束时报销来程费用计人民币4000元;签一年合同者,学校在学年结束时报销往返程费用计人民币8000元。
In addition to handing in the report at the end of the semester , you will be required to deliver a 5 - 10 minute presentation to the class on your preliminary idea , hand in a one page written proposal , hand in a rough draft , and deliver a 15 - 20 minute presentation to the class on your research near the end of the semester 除了在学期末缴交书面报告外,还必须准备五至十分钟关于原始概念的口头报告,缴交单页提案、初步草稿,并在接近学期末时在课堂上报告十五至二十分钟关于研究的正式报告。
Since english learning should not be limited in the classroom , students will be encouraged to plan their own language learning , participate in the web - based activities and assignments in the course website , make best use of language learning resources on campus , and complete personal english portfolio at the end of the semester 英语的学习应不仅限于学校课堂里,因此本课程为培养学生自主性学习,将辅导学生自行规画课内外之语言学习,于学期末完成个人学习历程档案。