In the last few decades , man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer , which has revolutionized music around the world 在过去的几十年里,人们发明了电吉他和电子合成器,这在世界范围内彻底改革了音乐。
When not working , martyn can usually be found either playing the electric guitar badly or playing video games more than most people would consider healthy 不工作的时候,他经常去弹电吉他(弹得很差)或者疯狂地玩电子游戏。
Esides guitars , we also make high grade mandolin , cuatro , banjo , bouxjki , hawaii electric guitar , dubro guitar and some instrumcnts from other countriws ,除生产吉他类以外还生产高档曼陀铃-地弦琴-班卓-布斯奇-夏威夷吉他-共
Electric guitars because not many people would be interested in joining a band . this is where targeted advertising comes into its own 由于只有一部分人会对这个产品发生兴趣,所以,使用“目标式”广告的手段,才会取得比较好的效果。
Inmates do not have a constitutional right to play electric guitar in federal prison , a u . s . appeals court ruled 近日美国美国哥伦比亚巡回地区上诉法院规定,联邦监狱中的囚犯不允许在狱中弹奏电吉他,因为宪法没有赋予他们这样的权力。
Inmates do not have a constitutional right to play electric guitar in federal prison , a u . s . appeals court ruled 近日美国美国哥伦比亚巡回地区上诉法院作出判决:联邦监狱中的囚犯不得在狱中弹奏电吉他,因为宪法没有赋予他们这样的权利。
Artists say the regulations infringe on popular culture , affecting the resale of items such as turntables , electric guitars and other classic devices 艺术家说这项规定侵害了流行文化,影响了录音转播机、电吉他和其他优秀设备的二手交易。
You can not like the drums were recorded as a kid refers to the microphone , it can be dark , not recorded as electric guitars , as it stabbing tuning platform will do 你既不能象录鼓那样随便找一支麦克风将它指鼓即可,也不能象录电吉他那样将它插到调音台上就行。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 芬兰的空气吉他世界锦标赛上,一名日本选手力压群雄,获得了一架货真价实的定制电子吉他,价值3 , 400美元。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 在芬兰举行的世界空气吉他锦标赛上,一位日本男子击败了其他对手,赢得了一把特制的,真品电吉他,价值3400美元。
a guitar whose sound is amplified by electrical means
An electric guitar is a guitar that uses a pickup to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical impulses. The most common guitar pickup uses the principle of direct electromagnetic induction.