
electric capacity中文是什么意思

  • electric capacity =electrical capacity.



  • 例句与用法
  • The power ’ s quality is decided in the system performance , the amplifier has 4 groups ’ power sources , input 220v through the filter , the transformer transformation , the full - wave rectification , finally through manostat leveling off voltage , after the electric capacity filter outputs
  • In this thesis the high voltage electric capacity equipment is adapted as on - line object of monitor and diagnose system . the system ' s structure of high voltage electric equipment is introduced , and the possible to each error occuring in high voltage capacity type equipments during the monitoring , analysis and judgment is given
  • Thesis this in existing electric capacity , whether it utilize by the ct one mainly reject and mix by suitable partial pressure not low - voltage partial pressure arm not high - handed of cvt electric capacity not insulating , in the middle of and ca n ' t compensate reactor , etc . of voltage transformer , design by sectional mutual inductor that ct combine cvt with , sectional mutual inductance utensil this have electric current mutual inductor and voltage double function of mutual inductor
  • The company not only has the most advanced automated assembly line . also has engaged in a professional electric car research and development of scientific research , a number of highly qualified technical personnel , mature production technology and sophisticated detection equipment , with an annual output of 100 , 000 cars of various models of electric capacity
  • And to the electric capacity type voltage mutual inductor , because it compares with electromagnetic type voltage mutual inductor , transient state its bad to respond characteristic , as circuit when making the short circuit two times trouble , the voltage two times delays dropping to zero while needing to pass certain one
  • In the actuation , the feeling measure and the balance compensation , the gyroscope used the electric capacity with the high sensitivity , the low energy consumption , and combined with the high quality factor characteristic of the resonance main body , which enable its system to have the quite outstanding performance : the vibration gyroscopes were generally used to measure the rotation rate , but because of axial symmetry factor , the axial symmetry vibrating - shell gyroscope can be used to measure not only the rotation rate but also the rotation angle , moreover do not bring the accumulation error as a result of the integral
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electric capacity的中文翻译,electric capacity是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译electric capacity,electric capacity的中文意思,electric capacity的中文electric capacity in Chineseelectric capacity的中文electric capacity怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
