As a boy, einstein was slow to talk and in early childhood was considered backward . 爱因斯坦童年时学说话较慢,从小就被认为天资鲁钝。
Einstein brought this vision to fruition by way of a successful mathematical theory . 爱因斯坦以成功的数学理论的形式把这一预见变成了科学硕果。
Fleeing germany , einstein went first to france , then to belgium , and then to britain . 爱因斯坦逃离德国以后,先是到了法国,然后去了比利时和英国。
The most important service einstein rendered was his demonstration that two types of transitions exist . 爱因斯坦的最伟大功绩就在于他证明了存在两类跃迁。
Einstein suggested that the wave aspect of light resulted from the average behaviour of a large number of photons . 爱因斯坦提出:光的波动性是从大量光子的平均行为得来的。
The odds are heavily against any man being able to do the work in the field of abstract theory that einstein is doing . 在抽象理论领域内凡是有能力做爱因斯坦所从事的工作的人,事情总是很不顺利的。
This protracted dilemma was finally resolved by einstein in a brilliant paper appearing in the annalen der physik of 1905 . 这个长期的疑难由爱因斯坦(发表于1905年《AnnalenderPhylik》上)的一篇论文最终解决的。
Einstein had discovered the laws which govern the universe, not in a laboratory or in an observatory, but at the desk in his study . 爱因斯坦是在他的书房的书桌上发现支配宇宙的规律,而不是在实验室或是在天文台上。
Well , let ' s just say that he isn ' t albert einstein 我们姑且说他不是爱因斯坦吧
Iike edgar allan poe and albert einstein 比如埃德加爱伦坡和阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦