dependent adj. 1.依靠的,依赖的。 2.从属的,隶属的,【语法】从属的。 3.由…决定的。 4.下垂的,悬吊的。 be dependent on [upon] 依靠,取决于。 n. 1.受赡养者,靠人生活的人。 2.扈从,侍从。 3.依存[从属]物。 dependent clause 【语法】从属子句[从句,分句]。 a dependent domain 领地。 He listed four dependents on his income-tax form. 他在所得税表格上填写了四个受赡养人。
The formal genetics of mammalian cells has been dependent on breeding experiment with whole organisms . 哺乳动物细胞的表型遗传学取决于整个机体的繁殖实验。
A vast industry scattered through a number of states is dependent on expenditures for air power . 散布在许多州的广大工业部门都得依靠空军的经费来维持生产。
One million people, a tenth of the entire canadian population, were dependent on government relief . 一百万人,加拿大总人口的十分之一,依靠政府的救济过活。
The purchase of a spectrophotometer is obviously dependent on the kind of specimens which are to be analyzed . 购买何种类型的分光光度计,主要取决于被测样品的性质。
Both the sideslip angl e and the rudder angle are seen to be very much dependent on the angle of climb . 人们可以看到,侧滑角和方向舵偏角都在很大程度上依赖于爬升角。
He sat all day in a chair-almost any chair would serve, and was so dependent on what you would do for him . 他整天坐在椅子里--几乎什么椅子都成。他一切都得依靠别人代劳。
The ratio of the microwave radiation to the x-ray bremsstrahlung radiation is dependent on the density in the emitting region . 微波辐射与X射线韧致辐射的比值与发射区的密度有关。
An alcoholic is one who becomes physically dependent on alcohol and over-whelmingly involved in getting and using it . 酒精中毒者是一个身体里离不开酒,并完全沉溺于寻酒和饮酒的人。
In less developed countries the tax structure is heavily dependent on indirect taxes especially customs and excise duties . 欠发达国家的税收结构非常依赖于间接税,尤其是关税和国内货物税。