
corporate goal中文是什么意思

  • 公司目标



  • 例句与用法
  • A strong and successful enterprise requires a solid it system and application infrastructure , providing a clear linkage between it and corporate goals and strategies
  • It ' s main activities are in the field of risk analysis , knowledge protection , knowledge and corporate continuity and the effective use of ip in reaching strategic corporate goals
  • In terms of corporate goals , operation index in each stage should be confirmed and then distributed into each executive department . this will form department responsibilities and referenced information on work examination
  • Follow these principles and youll find yourself surrounded by motivated team members who are channeling their energies toward your corporate goals ? goals in which they have personal stakes
  • Ability to interact and manage people ; scheduling and forecasting abilities ; knowledge of statistical process control and other tqm techniques ; selfmotivated ; understanding of role in the overall corporate goals
  • " environmental protection has always been one of our important corporate goals , " said mr . johnson wang , manager of the customer relations & regulatory affairs department of mercedes - benz china - the sponsor of the essay competition
  • In the process of enterprise development , the u . s . footwear industry will be the source of quality as the survival and development of lifeline " 30 " ( that is , zero defect , liandousu , zero inventory ) , as the quality of corporate goals
    在企业发展过程中,美源鞋业将产品质量视为企业生存和发展的生命线,以“三零” (即零缺陷、零投诉、零库存)作为企业的质量目标。
  • With better cost structure and appealing product designs , the group is confident of continuous substantial growth in the sales of lcd monitors and achieving its corporate goal of becoming one of the world s top five lcd monitor manufacturers in coming years
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 推荐英语阅读
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