
computer memory中文是什么意思

  • 计算机存储器



  • 例句与用法
  • K : symbol representing two to the tenth power , 1024 , usually used to describe amounts of computer memory , and disk storage , in bytes
    2的10次幂的符号, 1024 ,通常用来描述计算机的存储能力和磁盘的存储能力,按字节计算。
  • Especially data base management system has the characteristic of advancement , reliability , saving computer memory , convenience in transferring data
  • The amount of computer memory needed to store one character of a specified size , usually8 bits for a microcomputer and16 bits for a larger computer
  • More and more , the operations of our businesses , governments , and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories
  • A security issue has been identified in microsoft windows that could allow an attacker to see information in your computers memory over a network
    发现了microsoft windows中的一个安全问题,该问题使攻击者能够通过网络查看您计算机内存中的信息。
  • The device driver which is a part of linux kernel and stays all along in the computer memory is in essence the shared library of programs processing hardware
  • About this download : a security issue has been identified in microsoft windows that could allow an attacker to see information in your computers memory over a network
    发现了microsoft windows中的一个安全问题,该问题使攻击者能够通过网络查看您计算机内存中的信息。
  • Database means compilations of data . which are organized , processed , collected according to certain purpose , and in certain way , stored in the computer memory
  • Generally , if more memory is required for the lock pool than is available in the database engine memory pool , and more computer memory is available the max server memory
  • This model can reduce the computer memory and save time , simulate the complex process of the particle phase and use lagrange method to reduce the false diffusion
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • 百科解释
In computing, memory refers to the physical devices used to store programs (sequences of instructions) or data (e.g.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
computer memory的中文翻译,computer memory是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译computer memory,computer memory的中文意思,computer memory的中文computer memory in Chinesecomputer memory的中文computer memory怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
