The focus of the program is to provide a chance for chinese overseas students to help them improve all aspects of their chinese conversational skills through structured , interactive and relevant lessons 这个项目是专门为国外华裔学生提供的一种学习汉语的机会,所有课程由具有教师资格证的专职汉语教师任教,所有学习内容均选自原版汉语教材。
With the advancement of information technology in the past decades , increasing numbers of established chinese overseas communities and new organizations have created an online presence on the world wide web 摘要随着过去数十载以来信息科技的进步,有愈来愈多年届世纪高龄的海外华人社群,以及新兴华人移民所发起的团体,都纷纷将其组织推上全球信息网。
With the advancement of information technology in the past decades , increasing numbers of established chinese overseas communities and new organizations have created an online presence on the world wide web 摘要随著过去数十载以来资讯科技的进步,有愈来愈多年届世纪高龄的海外华人社群,以及新兴华人移民所发起的团体,都纷纷将其组织推上全球资讯网。