

名词复数: chanceries   
  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • It has three divisions : ( 1 ) the family division ; ( 2 ) the chancery division ; ( 3 ) the queen ' s bench division
    主要包括民事案和一些刑事案,高等法院有三个分支: ( 1 )家事庭; ( 2 )娃哈哈官庭; ( 3 )王室庭。
  • These are both much too central : chancery lane in particular is in the centre of “ lawyers london ” ( chancery is one of the divisions of the high court )
  • Parish priests are asked to make a brief announcement to the faithful about the temporary measure during mass on sunday , 13 april , and to post the above chancery notice on the parish noticeboard
  • Parish priests are asked to make a brief announcement to the faithful about the temporary measure during mass on sunday , 13 april , and to post the above chancery notice on the parish noticeboard
  • In england and wales , the high court is divided into three divisions : the queen ' s bench , the chancery and the family divisions ; the court hears most civil claim where the value exceed 5 , 000
    在英格兰和威尔士高等分院分为三个庭:王座庭、大法官法庭和家事庭。价值超过5 , 000英镑的多数民事权利要求案由它审理。
  • The status of delaware as the leading llc domicile is linked in part to the important role played in the u . s . by the delaware corporate legislation and its chancery court in the development of american corporate jurisprudence
  • 1 whenever for pastoral reasons a priest has to hear the confessions of individual faithful , he is required , in accordance with the pastoral guidelines issued by the chancery office on 1 april this year , to wear a surgical mask , while the penitents are required to at least put on an ordinary mask
  • Whenever for pastoral reasons a priest has to hear the confessions of individual faithful , he is required , in accordance with the pastoral guidelines issued by the chancery office on 1 april this year , to wear a surgical mask , while the penitents are required to at least put on an ordinary mask
  • He was never seen on change , nor at the bank , nor in the counting - rooms of the city ; no ships ever came into london docks of which he was the owner ; he had no public employment ; he had never been entered at any of the inns of court , either at the temple , or lincoln s inn , or gray s inn ; nor had his voice ever resounded in the court of chancery , or in the exchequer , or the queen s bench , or the ecclesiastical courts
  • There are no less than fifteen stations on the london underground within a mile of king ' s cross : in alphabetical order they are angel , caledonian road , camden town , chancery lane , euston , euston square , farringdon , goodge street , great portland street , highbury & islington , holborn , mornington crescent , russell square , tottenham court road , and warren street
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • an office of archives for public or ecclesiastic records; a court of public records

  • a court with jurisdiction in equity
    同义词:court of chancery,

  • 其他语种释义
  • chanceryとは意味:{名-1} : 公文書保管庁{こうぶんしょ ほかん ちょう}、大法官府{だい ほうかん ふ}、大法院{だいほういん}、衡平法裁判所{こうへいほう さいばんしょ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 《レスリング》ヘッドロック ---------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
chancery的中文翻译,chancery是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chancery,chancery的中文意思,chancery的中文chancery in Chinesechancery的中文chancery怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
