

  • (旅馆的)女侍;〔美国〕(一般)女仆;〔古语〕侍女。



  • 例句与用法
  • Working with the housekeeper are assistant housekeepers , floor supervisors , inspectresses and , at the end of the line of command , chambermaids
    与客房经理共同工作的是客房部副经理、楼层领班、巡查员及系列的最低层? ?女服务员。
  • " if you are thirsty , " said the chambermaid , " get off your horse yourself , and lie down near the water and drink . i won ' t be your servant .
  • M . d avrigny opened the door , and took from the hands of the chambermaid a cup which contained two or three spoonfuls of the syrup , he then carefully closed the door
  • Of course ! on march 20th , the chambermaid of princess marguerite was found dead . the circumstances were suspicious . the next day , it was young henry of navarre ' s tutor
    当然! 3月20日,玛格丽特公主的女仆被发现死亡。现场十分可疑。第二天,是年轻的纳瓦拉的亨利的家庭教师。
  • " all right , " he said , passing on , seriously brooding for once , and yet not wholly unconscious of the fact that he was making a most excellent impression upon the chambermaid
    “好,就这样。 ”他说着又继续往外走,生平第一次进行严肃的思考。不过并不是完全没有想到他已给这女仆留下了一个很好的印象。
  • However , the chambermaid what happened , and she rejoiced to think that she now had power over the bride , for by losing the drops of blood , the princess had become weak and powerless
  • The old king summoned his son and revealed to him that he had a false bride who was only a chambermaid , but that the true one was standing there , the one who had been a goose - girl
  • Accordingly , when she retired at night , she asked the chambermaid whether pemberley were not a very fine place , what was the name of its proprietor , and , with no little alarm , whether the family were down for the summer
  • Each stalk served as a perch for a grasshopper , which regaled the passers by through this egyptian scene with its strident , monotonous note . for about seven or eight years the little tavern had been kept by a man and his wife , with two servants , - a chambermaid named trinette , and a hostler called pecaud
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 英文解释
  • a maid who is employed to clean and care for bedrooms (now primarily in hotels)
    同义词:fille de chambre,

  • 其他语种释义
  • chambermaidとは意味:{名} : 〈英〉(ホテルなどの)女性{じょせい}の客室係{きゃくしつ がかり} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【変化】《複》chambermaids
  • 推荐英语阅读
chambermaid的中文翻译,chambermaid是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chambermaid,chambermaid的中文意思,chambermaid的中文chambermaid in Chinesechambermaid的中文chambermaid怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
