
chamber music中文是什么意思

  • 室内音乐。



  • 例句与用法
  • At cothen he composed some of his finest chamber music ( music written for a small number of players
    在寇顿,他创作了一些他最优美的室内乐(一种只为少数几个乐师演奏而谱写的乐曲) 。
  • Presenting mr . robert sahakian , director of the komitas house of chamber music , with us 30 , 000 from supreme master ching hai
  • This lecture will become history for our chamber music hall . it was magnificent , beautiful . i liked it very much
  • I hope that during the next meeting here in the chamber music hall , there will better facilities at the hall
  • In the fall of 2000 , he was appointed assistant professor of piano and piano chamber music at the university of kansas in lawrence
  • The director of the komitas house of chamber music granted an interview with toma after the supreme master ching hai gave a lecture at the hall
  • The xinghai concert hall consists of three parts , a symphony performing hall with 1500 seats , a chamber music hall and a music material room
    星海音乐厅包括有1500座的交响乐演奏厅, 400座的室内乐演奏厅和音乐资料馆三部分。
  • Supreme master ching hai embraces the children , who , in traditional armenian style , welcomed her to her lecture at the komitas house of chamber music
  • He lecture was presented at the komitas house of chamber music . the main auditorium and balcony were filled and the aisles held the overflow of the crowd
  • I m very impressed with their teacher , supreme master ching hai and the good work that she has done for our nation and for our chamber music hall
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • serious music performed by a small group of musicians

  • 百科解释
Chamber music is a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments?traditionally a group that could fit in a palace chamber. Most broadly, it includes any art music that is performed by a small number of performers, with one performer to a part.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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