
camp nou中文是什么意思

  • 鲁营球场



  • 例句与用法
  • The brazilian ace inspired barcelona to see off chelsea and rijkaard is confident that even the lure of roman abramovich ' s millions could not lure him away from camp nou
  • The next 90 minutes at the camp nou will define whether chelsea can win the champions league . jose mourinho has an interesting decision to make : does he start cautiously , or does he go for the jugular
    由于首回合切尔西队主场1 : 2落败,因此在即将开始的比赛中, “蓝军”至少需要进2球才能完成逆转。
  • Mourinho attempted something similar at camp nou , making a point of entering the arena long before the kick - off on tuesday night so as to extract the worst of the crowd ' s venom before his team appeared
  • Symphony of angels recited by the troupe of il diaolo in barcelona in front of a capacity camp nou which left not een the slightest of chances to the opposing orchestra from roumania
  • Barcelona ' s board of directors this week met to decide the future of coach frank rijkaard , and it was agreed that the dutchman was doing a sufficiently good job to remain at camp nou until the end of the season at least
  • Symphony of angels recited by the troupe of il diavolo in barcelona in front of a capacity camp nou which left not even the slightest of chances to the opposing orchestra from roumania
  • A hostile reception awaits but cole believes the atmosphere will be no worse than wednesday ' s game against barcelona at camp nou , during which he produced his best performance in a chelsea shirt
  • [ color = # 000000 ] [ b ] 25 ) symphony of angels recited by the troupe of il diavolo in barcelona in front of a capacity camp nou which left not even the slightest of chances to the opposing orchestra from roumania
  • Barcelona is the home city of two internationally - known football teams : fc barcelona , also known as bar ? , who play at the 100 , 000 capacity camp nou stadium , and rcd espanyol , who play at the 56 , 000 capacity olympic stadium
    巴塞罗那是两支国际知名球队的主场所在城市:巴塞罗那队(又称巴萨,在可容纳10万人的诺坎普体育场比赛)和西班牙人队(在可容纳56000人的奥林匹克体育场比赛) 。
  • David beckham has insisted this is not the end of an era at real madrid , despite their humiliating 3 - 0 defeat at camp nou on saturday night that puts them seven points behind their bitter rivals barcelona
    虽然上周六( 11月20日)皇家马德里队在巴塞罗那队诺坎普球场3 : 0被“宿敌”狠狠地羞辱了一番,然而“败军之将” ? ?皇马中场、英格兰队队长贝克汉姆却依然坚持认为,一场比赛的失利决不是皇马一个时代的结束。
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