
brain stem中文是什么意思

  • 【解剖学】脑干。



  • 例句与用法
  • Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain ' s general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat
  • Cavernous hemangiomas may affect the central nervous system , usually asymptomatic and involving the cerebral hemispheres but it may become symptomatic when bleeds or occurs in the brain stem
  • Many people have the wrong impression that a person who is in a state of " brain stem death " is in a coma for a long time and may still have a chance of reviving
  • It is in constant contact with the brain stem and thymus to assure that the form has the right amount of each chemical necessary to continue to transmute the body in ascension
  • True , and not just for a few minutes . a chicken can stagger around without its noggin because the brain stem , often left partially intact after a beheading , controls most of its reflexes
  • A chicken can stagger around without its noggin because the brain stem , often left partially intact after a beheading , controls most of its reflexes . one robust fellow lived a full eighteen months
  • In the physical , the occipital region contains the brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system that keeps the blood moving , the heart beating , the intestinal tract moving , the digestive system moving , the lymph moving and so on
    在身体中,枕骨部位包含着脑干,它管辖着保持血液流动、心脏跳动、肠道蠕动、消化系统运作、淋巴腺运作等等的自主神经系统(植物性神经系统) 。
  • But , in the sleep - deprived brain , the amygdala seemed to be " rewired , " coupling instead with a brain stem area called the locus coeruleus , which secretes norepinephrine , a precursor of the hormone adrenaline that triggers fight - or - flight type reactions
    但是,在剥夺睡眠的大脑中,杏仁核看起来似乎是由脑干的蓝斑重连接起来的,蓝斑分泌去甲肾上腺素? ?一种触发了对抗类型反应的肾上腺素前体。
  • Brain stem death has to be certified by two veteran doctors who have no connection with the organ transplant procedures . therefore , two independent tests for brain stem reflex have to be done to confirm that there is irreversible lost of brain stem function
  • A battery of electrophysiological examinations including auditory brain stem response , vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and electronystagmography revealed the lesion located on the right medial longitudinal fasciculus including both upper and lower brain stem
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus
    同义词:brainstem, brain-stem,

  • 其他语种释义
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