

名词复数: bonsai   
  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • Miniature bonsai gardens at high traffic areas along the main concourses have been constructed . planter with seating was installed at the west hall transfer area
  • Sometimes i wonder , george … seems like your bonsai trees dictate the larger part of our lives … you spend more time with them than you do with me
    有时我纳闷,乔治… …你的盆景树支配着我们的大部分生活,你花在它们身上的时间远远超过了你花在我身上的时间。
  • Sometimes i wonder , george … seems like your bonsai trees dictate the larger part of our lives … you spend more time with them than you do with me
    有时候我觉得怪怪的,乔治… …好像你的盆景象征着我们生活的大部份… …你花在它们身上的时间比花在我身上的时间可多多了。 ?
  • Bonsai ( " tree in a pot " ) is an ancient oriental horticultural art form established more than 2 , 000 years ago . this set of special stamps is to reflect the art through different types of bonsai
  • This company mainly deals in the floral import and export trades , garden design , celebration design , indoors floral arrangements , bonsai , floral basket , festooned vehicle and other floral accessories
  • If you have a bird - eye view of east lake , you may find it is very much like a marvelous potted landscape bonsai . tourists are intoxicated by the beauty of the natural scenery at east lake
  • Of course , one can look on the bright side ( to console oneself ) and even hail the loss of the bonsai as a gesture to “ promote culture ” , “ encourage exchange ” and “ share resources beyond national boundaries ”
    当然,从积极面来看(也只好如此自我安慰) ,那是“弘扬文化” 、 “促进交流” 、 “不分国界的资源共享” 。
  • Setting up the service system for customers behind selling , developing bonsai rent business and building bonsai garden are the main fundamental ways to perfect bonsai market system and to promote the bonsai ' s consumption
  • When you get up in the morning , you can breath the fresh air on the balcony , or shuttle in the hui - style bonsai park or pine and bamboo park to appreciate the characteristic morning scenery
  • Exhibits included landscape displays , bonsai type plants , flower arrangements , dry flowers , tree seedlings , seeds , fertilizers , pesticides and horticultural machineries , etc . the opening ceremony of the exposition was held on 28 september 2001
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • a dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub grown in a tray or shallow pot

  • 其他语种释义
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