Born in bonn , germany in 1770 , ludwig van beethoven was recognized for his talent at a very young age 鲁德维?凡?贝多芬于1770年生于德国波昂,他很小的时候就因其才华而受到大家的赞扬。
Before joining etsi he was head of the standardization division of the ministry of posts and telecommunications ( bmpt ) at bonn 在加入etsi之前,布鲁克先生是波恩邮电和电信部标准局局长。
Ludwing van beethoven was born in bonn , germany , on december 16 , 1770 . his father and grandfather were both musicians 路德维希?范?贝多芬1770年12月16日出生在德国波恩。他父亲和爷爷都是音乐家。
The bonn scientists have developed laser - driven microphones that pick up sounds inaccessible to the human ear 波恩的科学家已经研制出一种由激光驱动的麦克风,这种麦克风能探听到人耳听不到的声音。
The bonn climate summit forwarded a package of decisions to the marrakech conference , some already approved , and others requiring further work 波恩气候高峰会把一连串决议草案留待马拉喀什会议继续跟进,其中部份草案已获通过,其馀的则有待处理。
This is a follow up conference to the 2002 world summit on sustainable development in johannesburg and the 2004 renewable energy conference in bonn in 2004 此次会议为2002约翰内斯堡可持续发展世界首脑会议,和2004波恩可再生能源大会的后续会议。
The bonn goethe institute , housed in a historic villa under heritage protection , is centrally located in the quiet bad godesberg district , directly opposite the city park 欢迎到波恩歌德学院波恩歌德学院安置在一幢被列为文物保护的别墅里,它位于波恩的
The scientists in bonn have solved this mystery : differences in ripeness are often invisible , but can be detected acoustically in the form of ethylene 波恩的科学家已经解开了这个谜底:肉眼往往区分不出水果的成熟度,但通过水果释放出的乙烯,从声学角度探测,就能做到这一点。
Efforts to reopen debate on topics that ministers have already decided upon would go against the spirit of the bonn agreement and potentially jeopardize the hard - won political package 一旦容让重开各国部长努力达成的议题,不但有违波恩协议的精神,更可能破坏这个辛苦经营得来的协议。
Within six months of 173 previously infertile men with at least one varicocele receiving the therapy , a quarter of their partners had become pregnant , scientists at the university of bonn found 波恩大学的科学家发现在173名不育男性在6个月内至少进行一侧精索静脉曲张的治疗,则四分之一的伴侣会怀孕。
Bonn is a city on the banks of the Rhine River in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It was the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990 and the official seat of government of united Germany from 1990 to 1999.