bond bond1 n. 1.结合(物),结合力,黏合(剂),联结。 2.束缚,羁绊; 〔pl.〕 拘束;镣,铐。 3.契约,契约义务,盟约;同盟,联盟。 4.证券,公债,债券;借据;证券纸;(付款)保证书;保证人;【商业】海关扣存(待完税)。 5.【化学】键;【电学】耦合,固定;连结器,接头;【头】砌合;(砖等的)砌式;【铁路】轨条接线;【机械工程】焊接。 the bonds of friendship [matrimony] 友谊[婚姻]的纽带。 the bond between nations 国家间的同盟。 His word is as good as his bond. 他的话是极可靠的[像契约一样可靠]。 My word is my bond. 我是讲信用的。 a cross bond 【电学】交叉扎线。 treasury bonds 国库债券。 government bonds 公债。 war bond 国防公债。 brick bond 砌砖法。 ionic bond 【化学】离子键。 steel bond 铁粉结合器。 rail bond 导轨夹紧器。 break [sever] a bond 废除[中断]契约。 break the bond of (convention) 打破(成规)的束缚。 call a bond 收兑(债券)。 consolidated bond (英国发行的)统一公债。 enter into a bond (with) (与…)订约。 give bond for [to do sth.] 为…作担保[担保做某事]。 (goods) in bond (货物被海关)扣存关栈以待完税。 in bonds 被束缚着;被奴役;在拘留中。 take (the goods) out of bond (完税后)提出被海关扣存的(货物)。 vt. 1.以证券为(债务等)作保证抵押。 2.把(进口货)存入关栈以待完税。 3.【建筑】砌合(砖);黏着(水泥等);【化学】以化学键使结合在分子[结晶体]内。 4.使订契约。 n. -er 1.【无线电】联接器,结合器。 2.发债券者。 3.将货物存入关栈者。 4.【建筑】束石。 n. -ing 1. 黏合工艺;搭接。 2. 【电学】屏蔽接地;压焊。 n. 〔废语〕农奴;奴隶。 adj. 被奴役的;奴隶的〔多用作复合词,如 bond maid 女奴, bond(s) man 奴隶,农奴, bond woman 女奴,等〕。
And bond prices have risen , as evidence of economic fragility has allayed fears that inflation will accelerate 债券价格开始回升,经济显示某些脆弱性也让人们减轻了对通胀的恐惧。
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to this signing ceremony for the launch of the cmu bond price bulletin 各位嘉宾,大家好: 1 .欢迎各位出席推出cmu债券报价网站的签约仪式。
It should always be remembered bonds are less liquid than savings deposits with banks , and bond prices can go up as well as down 不过投资者应谨记,债券比银行储蓄存款的流动性低,债券价格亦会有起跌。
In other words , when yield rises , bond price falls . if bond investors outright purchase bonds then they will face capital lose 换言之,当殖利率上扬,则债券价格下跌反之,当殖利率下跌,则债券价格上涨。
The dow jones industrials , ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices , ended off13 . 59 at1 , 944 . 63 道?琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944 。 63收盘,下降13 。 59 。
We also benefited from the buyback of us treasuries by the us government as its budget ran into surplus , and this buoyed bond prices 美国政府由于录得财政盈馀而回购债券,为债券价格提供支持,亦使我们受惠。
Interest rates have moved higher in the us and europe , leading to lower bond prices . equity markets have also been particularly volatile 美国和欧洲的利率趋升,引致债券价格回落,股票市场的表现也异常波动。
Unless the global economy suffers a very deep recession , bond prices are likely to move in a sideways range over the first half of the year 除非全球经济遭受非常严重的经济衰退,今年上半年债券价格预计将会窄幅波动。
The us fixed income market is discounting a cut in the fed funds to 3 % , so a lot of news is already reflected in bond prices 美国固定收益市场正在对联邦基金利率削减至3 %做出反应,所以许多消息早已体现在债券价格中了。