ancient adj. 1.已往的,古代的。 2.古来的,古老的,旧式的。 3.〔古语〕年老的。 an ancient city 古城。 ancient relics 古代遗物。 n. 1.古(代的)人。 2.〔古语〕高龄老人,老者。 3.〔the ancients〕 古文明国的国民;(希腊、罗马时代的)古典作家[艺术家]。 A- of Days 上帝,神。 adv. -ly 从前,古时候,在古代。 n. -ness 旧;古代。 n. 〔古语〕旗;旗手。
In ancient india had such a sage called buddha dressed in gold . what the emperor had dreamed must be the buddha 当时有位叫傅毅的大臣说:西天竺古印度有此圣人,称为佛陀,全身呈金黄色,陛下梦见即是佛陀无疑。
Words from ancient india speak of products like sugar , cotton ( cloth ) , camphor , lac , glass , alloys of metals ( e . g . brass ) 来自古代印度的字词谈及到了蔗糖,棉花(衣服) ,樟脑,紫胶,玻璃,合金(比如黄铜)等产品。
An artist ' s impression of an operation being performed in ancient india . in spite of the absence of anesthesia , complex operations were performed 一幅描绘古代印度施行手术的艺术画。尽管缺乏条件,复杂的手术仍然进行。
Coinage dating from the 8th century b . c . to the17th century a . d . numismatic evidence of the advances made by smelting technology in ancient india 造币的技术可以回溯到公元前八世纪到公元七世纪。钱币的证据表明了古印度有了熔炼的技术。
The stages of buddhist meditation show many similarities with hindu meditation ( see yoga ) , reflecting a common tradition in ancient india 佛教冥想的阶段表现出与印度教冥想有很多相似之类(参看“瑜伽” ) ,反映了古代印度的一个普遍传统。
In ancient india the terms used to describe zero included pujyam , shunyam , bindu the concept of a void or blank was termed as shukla and shubra 在古代印度,用作描述“零”的术语包括普杰雅,萨雅,表示“空”或“虚无”的术语是萨卡拉和萨巴拉。
The rudiments of geometry - called rekha - ganita in ancient india - were formulated and applied in the drafting of mandalas for architectural purposes 几何学的初步入门? ?在古代印度就叫做里卡?甘尼塔? ?在建筑用途的曼荼罗(坛场)的起草上作过简洁陈述和运用。
While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien , or perhaps governmental military origin , another possible origin of ufos is ancient india and atlantis 假设很多飞碟是外来的,或者很可能是源于政府军用设备,另一些ufo很可能源自于古代印度和亚特兰蒂斯。
Ancient india ' s fine art and performing arts attest to this fact . this find expression in music , musical instruments , dancing , paintings and several other art forms 古印度美好的艺术和表演艺术都证实了这个事实。这也表达在音乐、乐器、舞蹈、绘画和几个其他的艺术形式里面。
While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien , or perhaps governmental military origin , another possible origin of ufos is ancient india and atlantis 虽然多数被假定是外星人的飞碟,或也许是政府的军事来源,不明飞行物的另外一个可能的来源是古印度和亚特兰提斯岛。