
able to compete中文是什么意思

  • 能竞力/有竞争力



  • 例句与用法
  • Pards spoke about how far the club has come now to be in a position to be able to compete strongly in the transfer market and be able to attract and keep the very best at upton park
  • To succeed , you ' ll have to keep coming up with new products that are popular with the public , this way you will be able to compete with other companies trying to get a bite of the market pie
  • Over the years , important external economic sectors , such as external trade , tourism and manufacturing , became less able to compete for such resources as labour , land , and working capital
  • " many jobs were lost to japanese companies , who streamlined their manufacturing processes to prevent errors , rather than addressing individual defects as cars came off the assembly line . not until w . edwards deming analyzed the japanese automakers production process , and taught us companies how to implement a strategy for producing a more reliable product and a more cost - effective production process , was the us car industry able to compete with the japanese .
    说: “二十世纪七十年代的汽车制造商曾经经历其产品的许多质量问题-就和现在的软件供应商一样。许多就业机会丢失给了日本公司,这些日本公司将其制造过程现代化以预防错误,而不是在汽车下装配线时发现单独的缺陷。直至
  • Foreign banks drive straight in and compete with our state - owned banks in market , customer and business . but our state - owned commercial banks " capital adequacy radio is low , and international competitive power is weak . so , how to strengthen the competitive power of our state - owned commercial banks , realizing their strategic transformation and being able to compete with the transnational banks in international financial market are the problems we must consider now
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able to compete的中文翻译,able to compete是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译able to compete,able to compete的中文意思,able to compete的中文able to compete in Chineseable to compete的中文able to compete怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
