At length , he one day received a letter , stating that the abductors of his son now offered to restore him , or at least to give notice where he might be found , on condition of receiving a large sum of money , by way of ransom 有一天,他总算收到一封信,说拐走他儿子的那帮人现在愿意归还给他,至少可以通知他上哪儿去找,但要得到一大笔钱作赎金。
The abductor had been profiled as someone whose child had died recently , or as someone who could not have children , but had told people she was pregnant and needed to steal a child so her lie would not be found out 绑架者被描述为一位自己的孩子刚刚死去的人,或者是一位无法怀孕,但却告诉人们她已经怀孕了,所以她需要找一个来自圆其说的女人。
I wont hear a word ! pushing aside natasha , who gazed at her with amazed but tearless eyes , she locked her into the room , and giving orders to her gate porter to admit the persons who would be coming that evening , but not to allow them to pass out again , and giving her grooms orders to show those persons up to her , she seated herself in the drawing - room awaiting the abductors 她推开用惊奇而冷漠的眼神凝视她的娜塔莎,把她锁起来,吩咐管院子的人让那些在今天晚上前来串门的人进入家门,但不准许他们出去,又吩咐仆人把他们带到她面前来,然后她就在客厅里坐下,等待那些拐骗妇女的人。