He started his career in telecommunications in 1993 with luxemburg - based millicom international cellular as head of sales for their philippines property 1993年,他在一家总部设在卢森堡的millicominternationalcellular公司工作,职位为该公司在菲律宾分部的销售总监。
Under the direction of the director of sales and marketing must ensure all meetings inquiries are handled within meetings success standard procedures and always meet 2 - hour turnaround standard 在销售总监的指引下必须确保所有会议都在成功会议的理念之上进行并实现两小时可转变的标准。
The sales executive performs his / her duties within the framework defined by the chain and hotel norms and by internal regulations as specified by the director of sales and marketing through the sales manager 在饭店关系网和饭店级别范围内及由销售总监制定的内部规定范围内,行使自己的职责。
Under the general guidance of the director of sales , correctly use and select the sales channel , develop the sales network , shoot for the best business taking in order to finished the sales task 在销售总监的领导下,正确应用和选择各种销售渠道,不断扩大销售网络,争取最佳的营业效益,完成销售任务。
Ken tang , director of sales & marketing of renaissance beijing hotel ( right ) welcomes the olympic lantern , which accompny the holy olympic flame all the way after the torch relay on june 9 北京国航万丽酒店市场销售总监邓英贤先生在六月九日的火炬接力活动结束后,与盛着神圣奥运火种的提灯在酒店大堂合影。
Respond to inquiries from customers , distributors , director of sales , regional sales managers , sales engineers , and sales representatives regarding all “ pre - order ” aspects of the customer or distributor ' s orders 回答客户、分销商、销售总监、地区销售经理、销售工程师和销售代表的和定单有关的所有询问。
From when you first began work with us in 1992 as sales representative to your current position as director of sales , you have been a pivotal member of our administration and a model staff for all our employees 1992年您以销售代表的身份加盟我公司,现在您已经成为销售总监,在此期间,您始终是公司管理层的关键性人物,也是所有职员效仿的榜样。
Richard hu talked about pushing customers to success is our responsibility . he reiterated that our achievements resulted from the development and success of our customers . the concerns of customers were also our concerns Ica销售总监胡钰的讲话题为“帮客户成功是我们的职责” ,重申我们的收获源自客户的成长和成功,我们关注客户之所关注,使得会场气氛异常活跃。