

音标:[ liànshìfǎnyìng ]   发音:
  • chain reactions
  • chain-reacting
  • nuclear chain reaction



  • 例句与用法
  • The cdna encoding growth hormone ( gh ) peptide was amplified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( rt - pcr ) method using isolated total rna as template
    应用逆转录-聚合酶链式反应( rt - pcr )技术克隆得到编码草鱼生长激素( cgh )的基因cdna ,并定向克隆到puc18载体上。
  • Polymerase chain reaction is a rapidly developing and widely used dna amplification technique , which is widely applied in life science and other related fields
    聚合酶链式反应( polymerasechainreaction ,简称pcr )技术是发展很快、应用很广的体外扩增基因片断技术,在生命科学研究及诸多相关领域已经得到了广泛应用。
  • A pair of primers containing sph i and hind iii restriction sites were designed , according to the poifn - a gene in ddbj / genbank . then poifn - a gene was cloned from porcine genomic dna by pcr
    根据ddbj genbank基因库中已登录的猪干扰素基因序列,设计了含sph和hind酶切位点的一对引物,采取聚合酶链式反应( pcr )法,以猪基因组dna为模板进行了poifn克隆。
  • The series include : hcg test kit , afp test kit , cea test kit , em antibody test kit , as antibody test kit , etc . the series of pcr kits the series of pcr kits has very high sensitivity , excel distinctiveness and accurate results
  • The analysis of oxidation mechanism indicates that the principal causes of thermal oxidation resistance are as follows : rare earth elements have a function to discontinue autooxidation chain reaction and the formed complex structure can hinder the oxidation resistance
  • Newcastle disease virus ( ndv ) strain 695 , a thermostable nature avirulent strain , were replicated in embryonated chicken eggsand its rna was extracted from allantoic fluid . referred to the reported sequence of f gene , a pair of primers were designed and synthesized . f gene of ndv b95 strain was amplified by rt - pcr , the pcr products were checked by agrose gel electrophoresis and purified by agrose gel fracion method
    利用从国外引进的新城疫热稳定性天然弱毒b _ ( 95 )株接种spf鸡胚繁殖病毒,经处理后提取病毒的基因组rna ,参考国内外发表的ndv融合蛋白基因序列,设计一对特异性引物,经反转录聚合酶链式反应( rt - pcr )扩增出约1700bp大小的特异性片段,将此片段回收纯化后,利用t - a克隆技术将其克隆到pgem - t - easy克隆载体中,再转化大肠杆菌jm109感受态细胞,转化后经分子量比较、 pcr鉴定和酶切分析筛选阳性克隆。
  • All the subjects were genotyped by pcr - rflp ( polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism ) at polymorphic sac i site inside the exon 7 of the ahsg gene . this polymorphism involves a nucleotide substitution of c to g at the middle nucleotide of the codon at amino acid position 238 resulting in the replacement of threonine ( acc ) with serine ( agc )
    所有的样本通过聚合酶链式反应?限制性片段长度多态性方法( pcr - rflp )对ahsg基因的第7个外显子内的sac多态性位点进行基因分型,该多态性位点为238号氨基酸密码子中间的碱基c到g的替换,使苏氨酸( thr , acc )变为丝氨酸( ser , agc ) 。
  • Rapd ( random amplified polymorphic dna ) , which bases on the polymerase chain reaction ( pcr ) , is by far one of the most commonly molecular techniques to uncover dna sequence polymorphisms . the basic priciple of this technique is that an arbitrary primer ( usually lobp oligonudetide ) is used to amplify random segments of dna , and a small number of fragments will be amplified when the primer anneals on each strand over a length range . if sequence variation is present at the priming site , then a fragment may not be amplied , so the dna polymorphic can be detected
    Rapd (随机扩增多态性dna )技术是二十世纪90年代发展起来的一项dna分子多态性检测技术,它建立于聚合酶链式反应( pcr )技术基础之上,利用随机合成的寡聚核苷酸序列为引物(一般为10个bp ) ,分别与dna的两条单链结合,在dna聚合酶的作用下,对基因组的特定区域进行pcr扩增,其电泳结果为不同大小和数目的dna谱带即rapd图谱,可反映基因组相应区域的dna多态性。
  • One pair of specific primers pai1 and pai2 was designed according to the sequence of ha gene of aiv h5 subtype reference strain . the fragment of ha gene was amplified by rt - pcr using its genome rna as template . the obtained target fragment was cloned into the vector pmd18 - t and th en e . coli was transformed
    以其基因组为模板,根据禽流感h5亚型参考毒株ha基因序列,设计合成了一对特异性引物pai1和pai2 ,经反转录-聚合酶链式反应( rt - pcr )扩增出本毒株的cdna ,所得片段连接到载体pmd18 - t后,转化大肠杆菌。
  • A reverse - transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( rt - pcr ) based technique was developed to detect newcastle disease virus ( ndv ) of different poultry species origin . four oligonucleotide primers , based on the differences of nucleotide sequence at the cleavage site of fusion ( f ) protein gene between virulent and non - virulent strains of apmv - 1 , were designed to amplify specific dna fragment from different viruses
    依据apmv - 1融合蛋白( f )基因裂解位点的核苷酸序列与其毒力的相关规律,分别设计合成了四条寡核苷酸引物,建立了一个可迅速检测不同禽源apmv - 1并可鉴定强、弱毒株的逆转录酶?聚合酶链式反应( rt - pcr )技术。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 其他语种释义
  • 链式反应的法语:réaction en chaîne
  • 链式反应的日语:(1)〈物〉連鎖反応.▼“连锁 liánsuǒ 反应”“支链 zhīliàn 反应”ともいう. (2)〈化〉連鎖反応.
  • 链式反应的韩语:[명사]〈화학〉 연쇄 반응. =[连lián锁反应]
  • 链式反应的俄语:[liànshì fǎnyìng] физ. цепная реакция
  • 链式反应什么意思:  1.  铀、钚等重元素的原子核受中子轰击时, 裂变成几个碎片, 并放出两个到三个中子, 这些中子再打入铀或钚的原子核, 再引起裂变, 这种连续不断的核反应叫“链式反应”。 链式反应能产生巨大的能量。 也叫支链反应或连锁反应。    2.  由于一个单独分子的变化而引起一连串分子变化的化学反应。 如燃烧过程、爆炸过程。 也叫链反应或连锁...
  • 推荐英语阅读
链式反应的英文翻译,链式反应英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译链式反应,链式反应的英文意思,鏈式反應的英文链式反应 meaning in English鏈式反應的英文链式反应怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
