远征 expedition 远征某一国家 an expedition to a country; 派遣一支远征队 dispatch an expedition; 自愿参加远征 (队) volunteered to join the expedition; 他们出发去进行一次危险的远征。 they started on a dangerous expedition.; 远征军 expeditionary army
Often seen as the leaders of lumi warparties to other planes , crusaders are trained from those lumi knights that have shown faith and devotion to the cause of the light 被视为光民远征军团的领袖,圣战军是从虔信并献身于光之愿景的骑士中选拔出来的。
Soldiers , sailors , and airmen of the alled expeditionary force , you are about to embark upon the great crusade towards which we have striven these many months 各位联合远征军的海陆空战士们,你们马上就要踏上征程去进行一场伟大的圣战,为此我们已精心准备了数月。
Soldiers , sailors , and airmen of the allied expeditionary force , you are about to embark [ 1 ] upon the great crusade towards which we have striven these many months 各位联合远征军的海陆空战士们:你们马上就要踏上征程去进行一场伟大的圣战,为此我们已精心准备了数月。
Formula : enchant cloak - stealth : this enchanting recipe is now available from the cenarion expedition quartermaster . the reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content 公式:附魔披风? ?潜行:可以在赛纳里奥远征军军需官那里买到(估计要声望) ,也调整成70的材料了。