

  • schedule development
  • scheduling



  • 例句与用法
  • Application domains include : transportation and logistics planning , pattern classification and image processing , data mining , design of structures , scheduling in large systems , supply - chain management , financial engineering , and telecommunications systems planning
  • Of course , during an initiative s lifecycle , environmental changes - in the form of events , other decisions , and internal and external customer needs and demands - may require content or directional changes , or changes in resources , funding , and schedule for the initiative
  • Multiple projects management ( mpm ) is just a new solution , which aims at managing a group of projects with similar specialty instead of single project . it fully takes advantage of projects " relativities and puts emphases on schedule arrangement and resources distribution among the projects , and ultimately achieves the goal of resources optimization
  • Because of this reason , it is important to implement measurable management work based on software reliability in software projects . software reliability is the most important quality characteristic and easy to be measured . software is dynamic , so it suit to evaluate and predict software development process
    这主要是因为: ( 1 )软件可靠性是软件质量最重要的特性,也被证实是软件质量中最容易定量的特性; ( 2 )软件可靠性是动态变化的,因此非常适用于评估软件开发过程,并根据可靠性预测进行项目的费用估算和进度安排; ( 3 )软件可靠性预测模型是定量评估和预测软件可靠性的基础。
  • Construction diversion and flood passing are a important part of construction scheme in the design of concrete face rockfill dam . the flood passing standard and measures of construction diversion have special characteristic and are closely related to the construction stage and general schedule of the project
  • At first , intending population increase , social economic development and land use are forecasted in the future . on the conditions , traffic demand is forecasted . after that , the form of transportation network and project of transportation is established and estimated
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 推荐英语阅读
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