

音标:[ yíbèi ]   发音:
  • mussel
    ◇贻贝蟹 mussel crab



  • 例句与用法
  • Foodstuffs - determination of okadaic acid in mussels - hplc method with solid phase extraction clean - up , derivatization and fluorimetric detection
  • Foodstuffs - determination of okadaic acid in mussels - hplc method with solid phase extraction clean - up , derivatization and fluorimetric detection ; german version en 14524 : 2004
  • Foodstuffs - determination of saxitoxin and dc - saxitoxin in mussels - hplc method using pre - column derivatization with peroxide or periodate oxidation ; german version en 14526 : 2004
    食品.贻贝中石蛤毒素和dc -石蛤毒素的测定.使用带过氧
  • There has been a strong growth in aquaculture and the main species produced are salmon , trout , eels , mussels , lobsters , clams and scallops
  • Foodstuffs - determination of saxitoxin and dc - saxitoxin in mussels - hplc method using pre - column derivatization with peroxide or periodate oxidation
    食品.贻贝中石贻毒素和dc -石贻毒素的测定.使用过氧化物或高碘酸盐氧化物柱前衍生的hplc法
  • Foodstuffs - determination of saxitoxin and dc - saxitoxin in mussels - hplc method using pre - column derivatization with peroxide or periodate oxidation
    食品.贻贝中的石蛤毒素和dc -石蛤毒素的测定.使用带过氧化物和过碘酸盐氧化物的柱前衍生的hplc法
  • To protect shellfish consumers , state agencies are required to post signs in polluted shellfish beds notifying the public that harvesting clams , mussels or oysters there is illegal
  • Two enterprising fishermen in the omaha beach area want to create a commercial mussel bed on the hallowed d - day landing beach and even plan to use “ omaha beach ” as a brand name to sell their seafood products
  • Early data have shown that levels of pcbs and pahs in green mussels near urban centres such as tsim sha tsui are higher than elsewhere in hong kong , although pcb contamination in all the mussels analysed was low
  • They are voracious eaters , multiply quickly and are so stubborn once entrenched that the shedd staff worried they could end up clogging the aquarium ' s pipes hence , the models that climb the side of one of the exhibit ' s aquariums
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
  • 其他语种释义
  • 贻贝的法语:moule coquillage huitre du pauvre huître du pauvre
  • 贻贝的日语:〈貝〉イガイ.セトガイ.▼“壳菜 qiàocài ”“淡菜 dàncài ”ともいう.
  • 贻贝的韩语:[명사]〈해양생물〉 섭조개. =[淡dàn菜(1)] [壳菜]
  • 贻贝的俄语:pinyin:yíbèi 1) зоол. мидии (Mytilus, род моллюсков) 2) зоол. Mytilus crassitesta (вид мидий)
  • 贻贝什么意思:软体动物。 壳三角形, 表厚外黑。 生活在浅海岩石上。 肉味鲜美。 俗称壳菜或淡菜。    ▶ 《尔雅‧释鱼》: “玄贝, 贻贝。”    ▶ 郭璞 注: “黑色贝也。”    ▶ 邢昺 疏: “黑色之贝名贻贝。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
贻贝的英文翻译,贻贝英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译贻贝,贻贝的英文意思,貽貝的英文贻贝 meaning in English貽貝的英文贻贝怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
