

音标:[ màoyìbù ]   发音:
  • department of trade
  • trade department



  • 例句与用法
  • Ningxia yinchuan foreign economic relations and trade corporation , authorized by the ministry of foreign economic relations and trade of p . r . of china , is a comprehensive trade enterprise which is engaged in import and export as well as domestic business and services
  • It should be programmed to defend our national industry from injuring with the antidumping law . however , our antidumping law has shown some defects and flaws with the changing situation and can not meet the demands of antidumping practice
  • 2 raw materils will be pruchased from shanhai and henna by trde department of taiyuan twin - tower aluminum oxideco . , ltd . in course of production in long period , we have found some regular channels for supplying the material to insure its quality and reputation
  • Ow , mr . rahman is busy on organizing an high level visit led by mozambique prim minister and together with the agriculture minister , trade industry minister and the officers from the investment promotion center , chamber of zambeze valley , which will be held on october 10
  • The domestic trading dept is in charge of the purchase & sale of varied goods like chemical cargo , coal , ore , aquatic products , agricultural products , etc and purchase / sale as agent , also the domestic process , sale & delivery of imported cargo including iron ore , manganese ore , coke , sulphur , etc
  • " we ' re so grateful for the incredible donations we receive from the community , but like any retailer there are things we can and cannot sell , " chris coe , oxfam ' s director of trading , said on tuesday . " increasingly people are just giving us rubbish . " he told bbc radio that such an example of unwanted goods was the box of assorted false teeth donated on monday to the charity ' s store in wimbledon
    该委员会贸易部主管克里斯科9月6日表示, “社会各界如此踊跃地捐赠各种物品不禁令我们心存感激,但如同任何一家零售商那样,对我们来说这些东西有的是可以卖出的,有的则是无法卖掉的” , “越来越多的人将我们这里当做了处理垃圾物品的场所” 。
  • This idea was fully recognized and supported by leaders of the state economic restructuring commission , the ministry of civil affairs and the ministry of juice at that time , which helped to accelerate the duly registration with the state administration for industry and commerce and incorporation of the company , the first auction company adopting joint stock system and with the largest register capital of 44 million yuan at that time
  • This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 33498
    兹证明东莞市石碣达通服饰贸易部已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为33498 。
  • Worked in ming yang shoes in guangzhou , getting and following orders , inspected the goods as one qc , knew the full production process for foot - wear , contacted with different countries customers by e - mail or telephones , prepared and took part in canton fair twice one year . have large experiences for the footwear exhibition and learned how to communicate with customer for some unexpected things , such as material colour difference , size problem and shipping date problem
  • Founded in september of 1994 , shanghai - gdynia international transportation agency co . , ltd . is a joint venture shipping agency company invested directly by chinese - polish joint stock shipping company and approved by the ministry of communication and the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation with qualification of acting as agent for both chinese and foreign vessels engaged on international waters
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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