The money supply had ballooned over the past few years due to the high savings rate , the trade surplus , and the repatriation of hot money , and there were very few investment outlets for these funds other than the stock and property markets 由于过去几年的高储蓄率,高贸易盈余和热钱的涌入,资金的供给非常充沛,除了地产和股市外这些资金几乎没有投资渠道。
The result shows that trade of korea - china on the whole is favorable balance , but adverse balance in simply agriculture . otherwise , the trade of china - korea is deficit with the more agricultural dimensions and proportions , which is proceeding in the world . comparing and analyzing the agricultural advantage between china and korea is the key of deciding agricultural cooperative scheme between two countries 结果表明:韩国对中国的贸易总体上是顺差,但在农业贸易方面却为逆差;而中国对韩国的贸易总体上为赤字,但是具体到农产品贸易领域中国却显示为贸易盈余,而且中国农业的规模与比重都比较大,列在世界前位,而相比之下,韩国规模则非常小。