manifest; waybill; shipping list
交货单,出货单 d/o交货单,发货单 delivery note提货单,拨货单 delivery order出货单 delivery order; landing order船货单 manifest存货单 deposit warrant; nbsp; stock list; stocklist钉货单 order slip定货单 order blank; order for goods; order form; order sheet; purchase order订货单 indent number; order blank; order book; order for goods; order form; order list; order sheet; order slip; po purchase order; purchase order渡货单 boat note发货单 bil of delivery; bill of delivery; consignment invoice; d/o delivery order; delivery note; despatch list; despatching note; dispatch list; ship order; shipping order购货单 purchase order; purchasing order换货单 swaorder货单,锚指 bill货单;舱单 manifest寄货单 p/r parcel peceipt交货单 d/o delivery order; delivery advice; delivery note; delivery order (d/o); delivery ticket; tick note; tick-note进货单 list 1理货单 tally card; tally list; tally sheet (book); tally sheet (book)领货单 requisition form买货单 bought note起货单 landing account; landing permits取货单 carrier's note缺货单 want slips货袋提升器 bag elevator货袋收尘器 bag collector
Allocated stores return note 已编配物料回货单 Shipping unit examples 运货单 位units例子 He cancelled his order 他撤消了定货单 。 We need to check it against our order and the invoice when it comes in 当货物到达时,我们必须用它来核对我们的定货单 和发票。 Here are the mate ' s receipts for you to sign and the shipping orders for your reference 这些收货单 给你签字,装货单供你参考。 Mate s receipt 收货单 大副收据 D . w . dock warrant 码头收货单 D . w . dock warrant 码头收货单 Waybill ? a document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods 运货单 ,关于货物运输详细情况和要求的说明文件。 Streamline shipment booking through our pc - based shipment manifest system or online tools 透过我们基于pc的货单 系统或线上工具简化托运预约
货单的法语 :名 liste des marchandises;connaissement货单的日语 :積荷明細書.货单的韩语 :[명사]〈상업〉 (1)인보이스(invoice). 하물 송장(荷物送狀). =[发fā(货)单] (2)적하 목록. (3)품목표. 상품 리스트. 出口货单; 수출 품목표 进口货单; 수입 품목표 解禁货单; 금수 해제 품목표 (4)(货单儿) 【속어】 상품 카탈로그.货单的俄语 :[huòdān] накладная; фактура; перечень товаров货单什么意思 :huòdān [manifest;shipping list] 货物清单