

音标:[ yǔzú ]   发音:
  • [语言学] branch



  • 例句与用法
  • For instance , the romansh people are a small minority who reside in the mountainous areas . their language is faced with the threat of extinction . it is a problem as to how they can preserve their mother tongue and at the same time , communicate with the others
  • Under the support of the government of the soviet union , the ethnic groups of manchu - tonguse branch experienced great changes in many respects over the period of more than half a century , and at the same time many problems appeared , which should be paid close attention to
  • The ethnic groups which speak zhuang dai lauguage , such as zhuang , dai , tai and lao ethnic group , and the ones which speak dong shui language , such as dong , shui , and monao ethnic group had the same origin but developed into different branches , they are all belong to zhuangdong lauguage ethnic group
  • It includes the two at classical germanic languages such as english , german , dutch , and swedish ; the romance languages such as italian , french , spanish , and portuguese ; the celtic languages such as welsh and gaelic ; the slavic languages such as russian , languages , lithuanian and latvian ; the iranian languages such as sanskrit and hindi ; and other miscellaneous languages such as albanian and armenian
  • As a special group of ewenki ethnic minority , with a population of 232 , they speak olguya dialect , a branch of manchu tungus language family . according to the historical documents , as early as back in 2000 bc , their ancestors already lived in wender forest tundra , over of nibuchu river , north - east part of out baigal lake and baigal lake from 16th century to the mid - 17 century , following wild deer , they came to the area near weile river , branch of lena river and weitmu , north - west of baigal lake . during 18th century , along silik river , this group of people reached big sin ' an mountain . the rich natural resources there became the sources of their livelihood
    驯鹿鄂温克人是指居住在内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市所辖根河市敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡的鄂温克人,史称“使鹿部” ,使用的语言是满?通古斯语族鄂温克语敖鲁古雅方言,人口在2001年乡统计为232人,是我国鄂温克族中的独特群体。据史书记载,驯鹿鄂温克人的祖先在公元前2000年就居住在外贝加尔湖和贝加尔湖东北部尼布楚河上游的温多山林苔原高地。到了16世纪至17世纪中叶,他们追随野生驯鹿至贝加尔湖西北列拿河支流威吕河和维提姆河一带。
  • This paper mainly discusses with the examples of the representive of create life myth in turkic language in western region of china , analyze this type of create life myth and the characteristic of the relativity female myth on the origin of history and also the culture appearance of turkic language create life myth in the particular history and religious background , a further discussion of the clear race and history local features of these myths , and explain the cultural meaning of this create female life myth in the turkic language race in western region of china
  • It includes the two great classical germanic languages such as english , german , dutch , and swedish ; the romance languages such as italian , french , spanish , and portuguese ; the celtic languages such as welsh and gaelic ; the slavic languages such as russian , languages , lithuanian and latvian ; the iranian languages such as sanskrit and hindi ; and other miscellaneous languages such as albanian and armenian
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 语族的法语:famille de langues
  • 语族的日语:〈語〉語派. 印欧 Yìn-ōu 语系日耳曼 Rì'ěrmàn 语族/インド?ヨーロッパ語族ゲルマン語派.
  • 语族的韩语:[명사]〈언어〉 어족. =[语系]
  • 语族的俄语:pinyin:yǔzú лингв. семья языков, языковая семья
  • 语族什么意思:yǔzú 见〖语系〗。 ◆ 语族 yǔzú 见〖语系〗。
  • 推荐英语阅读
语族的英文翻译,语族英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译语族,语族的英文意思,語族的英文语族 meaning in English語族的英文语族怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
