

  • subdistricts of china



  • 例句与用法
  • The 16 neighborhood offices of the shenhe district in shenyang , liaoning province , have established handicapped children ' s pre - school education and care centers , along with a variety of disabled service programs for training , rehabilitation , welfare , match - making and social security funds
  • To the talent conduction application turns archives formalities , leave in the talent piece " turn archives advice note " , hold " turn archives advice note " to unit or street ( if archives has been in street , do to street agency ) turn individual archives to the talent ( or district office uprights )
    到人才办理申请转档手续,在人才开出《转档通知书》 ,持《转档通知书》到单位或街道(假如档案已经在街道,就到街道办事处去办)将个人档案转至人才(或区职介) 。
  • Freewill and lifelong the husband and wife that bears a children only , both sides of classics husband and wife applies for , place unit or village ( house ) civilian committee is checked , classics countryside ( town ) approval of people government , street agency , send " card of glory of singleton female parents "
    自愿终身只生育一个子女的夫妻,经夫妻双方申请,所在单位或村(居)民委员会核实,经乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处批准,发给《独生子女父母光荣证》 。
  • The lessor that is in beijing must notice , always want to be in natural resources of land of area , county and building management board or its precatory to the building in building of the hack inside beijing limits the service station of government of people of street agency , villages and towns that rent is dealt with register put on record formalities
  • The family that already enjoyed cheap to hire housing to ensure must be in stipulate time declares population of domestic income , household and housing according to the facts to application branch every year fluctuant circumstance , be gotten to street agency and fill in " shenzhen city cheap hires housing year careful registration form " , declare population of domestic income , household and housing situation according to the facts
    已享受廉租住房保障的家庭须在每年规定时间向申请部门如实申报家庭收入、家庭人口及住房变动情况,向街道办事处领取并填写《深圳市廉租住房年审登记表》 ,如实申报家庭收入、家庭人口及住房情况。
  • Married yo age the expenses of birth control operation of hobo , of useful project unit , by burden of the unit that use worker worker ; of idle project unit , pay by oneself first , street perhaps agency proves the government of people of villages and towns that shows house dwelling place by its , be in by oneself the government of people of villages and towns of seat of its census register is street perhaps agency submits an expense account
  • Community we share today has multiple meanings . community refers to the social group which is consisted of a group of people who live in a certain area and kinds of social relations made by the group who engage in the social activities . city community means the resident area governed by the district government and residential committee
  • How were the western urban communities organized and managed ? what are the differences between the orient and western urban social management in way and tradition under the different cultural background ? what are the profound impacts of these differences on modern urban community management in china
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