眩目艳丽的 gorgeous-dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent
The dragons were painted with different colors with three dimension visual appearance and were handcrafted with highest skill of workmanship . it is truly the most beautiful piece of art 壁的两面各饰有九条幡,戏珠于波涛云雾之中,造型生动,色彩艳丽,工艺高超,为我国琉璃建筑中的珍贵作品。
The dragons were painted with different colors with three dimension visual appearance and were handcrafted with highest skill of workmanship . it is truly the most beautiful piece of art 壁的两面各饰有九条幡龙,戏珠于波涛云雾之中,造型生动,色彩艳丽,工艺高超,为我国琉璃建筑中的珍贵作品。
By choosing a series of lovely and funny cartoon characters as the theme , with clean and colorful picture , 25 pieces puzzle can make young boys and girls feel happy everyday during their playing this puzzle game 25片拼版以一系列活泼有趣的卡通人物为主题,画面清晰,色彩艳丽,拆拆拼拼,可以让小朋友开开心心每一天。
Featuring in low power waste , high brightness , fresh color , quakeproof capability , long life span ( normally work for 60 - 100 thousand hours ) , and cold light source , the led lighting is worthy of the name of “ green light ” 其特点是功耗低、高亮度、色彩艳丽、抗震动、寿命长(正常发光6 - 10万小时) ,冷光源等优点,是真正的“绿色照明” 。
The unusual circumstances of chernobyl have exposed that price to human observers , but it will have to be paid all the time , even in places that have not fallen foul of radioactive plumes 切尔诺贝利不寻常的环境使人类科学观测者对羽毛色彩艳丽的代价一览无余,然而,即使在没有被核辐射侵蚀的地方这些鸟类也始终为它们艳丽的羽毛付出同样代价。
For the elegance and gorgeous colors , she takes along all kinds love collection in a body , melts refinement , pinches “ speed is the source of excitement , i am deeply impressed ” , and integrates the roller skating world "她"千娇百贵, "她"色彩艳丽,携万般宠爱集于一身,融精致灵巧浑为一体,挟"精彩源于速度,我为你所动"之运动之风,融入广阔的轮滑世界
Several years ago , chinese streets were filled with people wearing identical drab clothing . today , however , things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits . why has the change taken place 许多年前,中国大街上的人都穿一样的灰褐色衣服。然而,今天的情况大不一样了,街上满是一个个身穿色彩艳丽的时髦衣服的人。出现这种变化的原因是什么呢?
An ume ( japanese plum ) blossom festival will be held at koganei park , which is famous for its sakura blossoms , for an early taste of spring . about 100 trees of 24 varieties of white - blossoming and red - blossoming ume ( japanese plum ) trees in this 50 - year old grove display their beautiful colors and perfume in the air 作为樱花胜地而闻名的小金井公园,即将举办让您早一步感受到春天气息的“梅花节”活动。那里的梅花林有树龄50余年的白梅和24种红梅,共约100株梅花竞相开放,色彩艳丽芳香怡人的梅花的确难得一见。
Customers can acquire variety of fabrics in hoi shing fabrics , and our leading fabric chains is two - tone . this produce is soft and smooth to the touch , it is colourful , bright and dazzling , and have variation tone in different angles , which is an ideal material for evening dress and wedding dress 本公司拥有各式各样的布料提供客人选择,我们的重点系列是变色龙布料,该产品质感柔顺细腻,色彩艳丽,炫耀多变,在不同的角度下观赏有不同的视角感受,是高级晚装和婚纱的理想用料。