get acquainted with sb.; get to know sb.: 结识了许多朋友 have made a lot of friends; 许多人竭力想结识他。 many people sought his acquaintance. 我们是在火车长途旅行中偶然结识的朋友。 we are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey
Sir, i love the acquaintance of young people, because in the first place, i don't like to think myself growing old . 先生,我喜欢结识年轻人,因为首先,我不愿意想到自己日益变老。
At home, within and around her mother's cottage, pearl wanted not a wide and various circle of acquaintance . 在家里,在她母亲的茅屋和在附近的地方,珠儿并不需要结识很多的各式各样的伙伴。
Most of my friends were those i had made through sebastian; together we shed them and made no others . 我的朋友,绝大多数都是通过塞巴斯蒂安结识的。我们把他们全都甩了,而且也不再交新的了。
The bishop thought it his imperative duty to become personally acquainted with the most conspicuous of his diocesan clergy . 主教认为私下结识一下他区内最引人注目的牧师,是他的无可旁贷的职责。
He saw and won the love of a high minded and beautiful woman, in one of the northern states, and they were affianced . 他在北方某州结识了一位高贵而美丽的小姐,赢得了她的芳心,不久,两人便以终身相许。
There were several advantages attached to the position: the caretaker became acquainted with the leading members and their wives . 除此之外,做教堂打杂还连带会有其他一些好处:这种人可以结识显要人物和他们的太太。
Though in about a month she had made the acquaintance of most of the families round, yet, she fraternized with none of them, to use her own words . 虽说在一个月左右的时间里,她已经结识了四邻大多数人家,但是,用她自己的话来说,没有一个可以同她友善地往来。
I hope that i can make friendship with you here 希望结识与我有相同志趣的朋友。
He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people 他总想结识有钱及有名的人。
Where did you pick up with that queer fellow 你是在什么地方结识那个怪家伙的?