

音标:[ mí; méi ]   发音:

  • 名词
    [植物学] (糜子) broom corn millet



  • 例句与用法
  • Breaking through snow to find food , this bull elk has added a white mask to his face and frosting to his antlers
    由于要钻入雪中寻找食物,这只公鹿脸上戴上了“白色面具” ,鹿角上也结起了霜冻。
  • 20 centuries since 90 time , the green revolution of wind rotten whole world was brought for the enterprise exuberant opportunity of survival
  • Don t think that he doesn t have technique , i believe he is one of the most technically sound players in the world gae
  • Badge of maturity , 12 - tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in yellowstone ; they serve also as formidable weapons
    黄石国家公园里的公鹿,顶着它成熟的标志? ?富有贵族气质的12叉鹿角;这些鹿角还是它们的令人望而生畏的武器。
  • Tourist guide during the summer vacation for beijing international travel service . conducted tours for foreign tourists on trip around the city
  • We will walk up to the top of glacier for scenic view . we then visit big game alaska , taking picture of moose , bear , plus other animals
  • In this time the strike - slipping mylonite , ultramylonite as well as associated igneous and magmatic intrusion and eruptive activity of volcano were formed along the fault
  • I am convinced that if it were not for master s protection , the bull elk and i would not have been able to walk away safely from that close encounter
  • On my way past evergreen , colorado , i took a mountain curve and was just straightening the motorcycle when i saw a bull elk walk right into my path about 30 - 40 feet away . everything went on automatic from then on
  • The emt and the doctor at the hospital checked me out and the diagnosis was only minor abrasions on both hands and one leg ; also , one bull elk was saved . my family and friends were relieved that it was not as bad as it could have been
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 糜的法语:名 bouillie 形 1.pourri 2.prodigue;excessif
  • 糜的日语:糜méi ↓ 『異読』【糜 mí 】
  • 糜的韩语:미
  • 糜的俄语:[mí] тк. в соч. 1) кашица 2) гнить, разлагаться 3) транжирить; расточать • - 糜烂
  • 糜什么意思:mí ㄇㄧˊ 1)粥:肉~。~沸(形容混乱纷扰)。 2)烂,碎:~烂。~躯(牺牲生命)。~灭。 3)浪费:~费。 4)姓。 ·参考词汇: rotten wasteful méi ㄇㄟˊ 1)不黏的黍(亦称“穄”):~子。~黍。~子面。 ·参考词汇: rotten wasteful 蘪 méi 另见mí mí (1) (形声。从米,麻声。本义:粥) 同本义 [gruel] 糜,糁也。――...
  • 推荐英语阅读
糜的英文翻译,糜英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译糜,糜的英文意思,糜的英文糜 meaning in English糜的英文糜怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
