

  • penetrable
  • penetrating
  • penetrative



  • 例句与用法
  • As we all know , the heat transfer of geothermal heat exchanger ( ghe ) is affected by a lot of factors , where groundwater advection has a comparatively great impact indicated by experimental data . while almost all the design tools for ghe are based on principles of heat conduction and rely on some estimate of the ground thermal conductivity and volumetric specific heat . however , the large part of vertical u - type pipe lies in the saturated soil , especially in zones along the coast or with plentiful groundwater , which will be affected by groundwater advection greatly
    但是对于垂直u型埋管来说,管段大部分位于土壤饱和区内,实际上其穿透的地层中总是存在着地下水的渗流,尤其是在沿海(河、湖泊)地区或地下水丰富的地区,埋管的传热性能大部分都受到地下水渗流的影响,此时土壤内发生的是热传导和地下水渗流共同作用下的复杂的、非稳定的传热传质过程(简称热渗耦合传热过程) 。
  • She knew it not , and would not have believed it yet though the layer of mould under which she fancied that her soul was buried seemed unbroken , the delicate , tender , young blades of grass were already pushing through it , and were destined to take root , and so to hide the grief that had crushed her under their living shoots that it would soon be unseen and forgotten
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